Software collections

Software license

Hard drive


  • for taking minutes notes
  • BigBlueButton – desktop sharing / organizing presentations
  • Synergy lets you easily share your mouse and keyboard between multiple computers on your desk.

IP address to block Skype from updates:


Concept/mind software

UML diagrams

DB modelling software

ErWin modeller alternatives:



Panorama software

  • Hugin – Panorama photo stitcher

Charting software

Visio alternatives are:

  • creatly – create and collaborate on online diagrams (I find it the best among other competitive products).
  • – a free online diagram drawing application for workflow, BPM, org charts, UML, ER, network diagrams


"Follow me" tool just deleting the object

The surface your are trying to clone is too small. Scale it up togather with the path, then apply “Follow me” tool, then scale it down.

Fusion 360 FAQ

Clicking on "Save" button does nothing in Fusion 360

  • Press Ctrl + Shift + S to force a recovery save.
  • Backup/copy %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Autodesk Fusion 360\<GUID>\CrashRecovery folder.
  • Exit Fusion 360.
  • Restore the folder.
  • Start Fusion 360.
  • Use File → Recover documents to recover the documents.

Import STL files without a scaling issue

  • File → New Design
  • Insert → Insert Mesh… on the toolbar

See also:

How to create intersection of a mesh with a plane?

  • Install Intersect Mesh Body addon.
  • Create a plain, create a sketch on the plain.
  • Invoke Create → Project / Include → Intersect Mesh Body


Word Questions answered

Action Hotkey
Open Quick Style pane Ctrl+Shift+S; one can also see styles in Draft or Outline view, if File → Options → Advanced → Display section → Style area pane width in Draft and Outline views is set to some non-zero value (e.g. 2cm)
Increase / decrease font Ctrl+Shift+> / Ctrl+Shift+<
Update/recalculate all formulas Shift + Ctrl + F9

How to create TOC for section of the document?

  1. Select document sections to be included into TOC.
  2. Create a bookmark for them (e.g. sections).
  3. Insert a field (Insert → Quick parts → Field… on the toolbar), select TOC and press Field Codes.
  4. In the entry field type TOC \b sections.

Other useful options:

  • \h create hyperlinks from TOC to corresponding sections.
  • \n don't generate page numbers.
  • \o "m-n" consider only sections of levels m-n (e.g. \o "3" will include only section headers of 3rd level).

How to make bookmarks visible?

Enable File → Options → Advanced → Show document content section → Show bookmarks.

LibreOffice Calc Questions answered

Count number of cells that match certain criteria

Count number of cells with dates with month is January: =SUMPRODUCT(1*(MONTH(A1:A20)=1)). Due to the fact that empty cells are treated as dates in December, the correct formulae for December will be =SUMPRODUCT((A2:A22<>"")*(MONTH(A2:A22)=12)).

Calculate average for non-zero cells


How to check if cell has a specific background color?

There is no direct way to determine (in a formula) what formatting has been applied to a cell, however user can define a macro that returns this information: =IF(CELL_BACKCOLOR(SHEET(); ROW(); 1) = 0; "I am black"; "I have another color")


Other software


How to learn all packages the given package depends on?

The easiest way is to start setup.exe and let it download e.g. …path-to-download-folder\x86\setup.ini. In setup.ini one can find this information:
@ git
requires: bash cygutils cygwin less libcurl4 libexpat1 libgcc1 libiconv2 libintl8 libopenssl100 libpcre1 openssh perl-Error perl-Scalar-List-Utils perl-TermReadKey perl_base rsync zlib0

See also How to print list of packages for which a given package is required in Cygwin?

export CYGWIN="winsymlinks:native"%'' or ''export CYGWIN=“winsymlinks:ativestrict”%%


Wordpress / WooCommerce



Magento installation steps:

# adduser magento --uid 1100 --group www-data
# apt-get install php-bcmath php-curl
# mkdir /var/www/magento
# chown magento:www-data /var/www/magento
# su - magento
$ wget -nv -O - | php
# mv composer.phar /usr/local/bin/composer
# chown root:root /usr/local/bin/composer
$ cd /var/www/magento
$ composer create-project --repository= magento/project-community-edition . 2.2.7
$ find var generated vendor pub/static pub/media app/etc -type f -exec chmod g+w {} +
$ find var generated vendor pub/static pub/media app/etc -type d -exec chmod g+ws {} +
$ chmod u+x bin/magento
$ ./bin/magento setup:install \
--base-url= \
--db-host=localhost \
--db-name=magento \
--db-user=magento \
--db-password=magento \
--backend-frontname=admin \
--admin-firstname=admin \
--admin-lastname=admin \ \
--admin-user=admin \
--admin-password=admin123 \
--language=en_US \
--currency=USD \
--timezone=America/Chicago \
$ ./bin/magento cron:install

Language pack(s) installation steps:

$ composer require mageplaza/magento-2-russian-language-pack:dev-master
$ composer require mageplaza/magento-2-dutch-language-pack:dev-master
$ ./bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy ru_RU nl_NL
$ ./bin/magento indexer:reindex
$ ./bin/magento cache:clean
$ ./bin/magento cache:flush

Install Ves Bakerop or FreeGo theme:


Magento 2 Extensions

  • Two-Factor Authentication:
    $ composer require msp/twofactorauth
    $ ./bin/magento setup:upgrade
  • Social Login by Mageplaza:
    $ composer require mageplaza/magento-2-social-login
    $ ./bin/magento setup:upgrade
  • Instagram Feed Extension:
    $ composer require mageplaza/module-instagram-feed
    $ ./bin/magento setup:upgrade
  • Facebook Plugin Extension:
    $ composer require mageplaza/module-facebook-plugin
    $ ./bin/magento setup:upgrade
  • Twitter Widget Extension:
    $ composer require mageplaza/module-twitter-widget
    $ ./bin/magento setup:upgrade
      * [[github>mageplaza/magento-2-banner-slider|Banner Slider Extension]]:
        <code console>
    $ composer require mageplaza/module-banner-slider
    $ ./bin/magento setup:upgrade
  • GDPR solution for Magento 2:
    $ composer require mageplaza/module-gdpr
    $ ./bin/magento setup:upgrade
  • Email Attachments by Fooman:
    $ composer require fooman/printorderpdf-m2
    $ composer require fooman/emailattachments-m2
    $ ./bin/magento setup:upgrade
  • SEO Free Edition by Mageplaza:
    $ composer require mageplaza/magento-2-seo-extension
    $ ./bin/magento setup:upgrade
  • Blog by Mageplaza:
    $ composer require mageplaza/magento-2-blog-extension
    $ ./bin/magento setup:upgrade

If you are using Production Mode (./bin/magento deploy:mode:set production) also run:
$ ./bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy

or (for multi-view store)

$ ./bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy en_GB ru_RU nl_NL

and then

$ ./bin/magento setup:di:compile

as last two steps.

How to uninstall the extension?

  1. Find out the ExtensionProvider_ExtensionName (e.g. Mageplaza_Blog) from either ./bin/magento module:show output or from e.g. vendor/mageplaza/magento-2-blog-extension/composer.json.
  2. Run
    $ ./bin/magento module:disable Mageplaza_Blog --clear-static-content
    $ composer remove mageplaza/magento-2-blog-extension
    $ ./bin/magento setup:upgrade



  • Paperwork – scan or import your documents and find them back in a snap

How to kill section separators that contain “* * *”?

epub needs to be pre-processed using the following regex:
(\s*<empty\-line\/>\r?\n)?\s*<subtitle>\* \* \*<\/subtitle>(\r?\n\s*<empty\-line\/>)?(\r?\n\s*<(p><(strong|emphasis)|subtitle)>[^<]+<\/((strong|emphasis)><\/p|subtitle)>(\r?\n\s*<empty\-line\/>)?)*

<p class="odd_page"  style="border-top: 1px solid black; text-align:right"><i>_AUTHOR_</i>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>_PAGENUM_</b></p>
<p class="even_page" style="border-top: 1px solid black"><b>_PAGENUM_</b>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<i>_TITLE_</i></p>

See also Headers and Footers.

body[name="notes"] {
  display: none;

Bug reports

I love FOSS

software/start.txt · Last modified: 2012/03/29 10:50 by dmitry
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