

Installed plugins

Other plugins:

Bookmarks (2.23 KiB, 568 downloads):

Eclipse EGit
Memory Analyzer :YES:
Memory Analyzer Calcite plugin :YES: Download latest version and add e.g. to sites.
Documentation: OQL syntax, OQL examples, OQL (Memory Analyzer) versus SQL (MAT/Calcite), example 1, example 2, Advanced use of Eclipse Memory Analyzer Tool
Garbage Collection and Memory Visualizer (GCMV) :YES: Install from Marketplace
Groovy-Eclipse :YES:
EPIC (Perl)
AngularJS :YES:
Aptana Studio
Eclipse SQL Explorer
DBeaver 2)
oXygen XML Editor
EclEmma Java Code Coverage
Eclipse Checkstyle Plug-in
Java Decompiler Add to sites3)

Unfortunately, JadClipse update site is down. As advised in this post, you need to download (2.62 MiB, 161 downloads), and add this ZIP to list of software sites.

Atlassian connector (check Installing the Eclipse Connector for updates)
Eclipse Word-Wrap
Glance 4) :YES:
Has nasty issue with Git history support. Fixed in this fork, use this update site:
Json Tools
AutoDeriv5) :YES:
Create .derived in your workspace root (D:\workspace\.derived) with the following content:
To install SVN 1.7 correctly enable these sites
Subversive Site
Subversive Connectors Site
To install SVN 1.8 for Kepler enable these sites
Subversive Site
Subversive Connectors Site
To install Subversive v4.0.4 for Nuon enable these sites (helps to solve Compare with last revision not working problem)
Subversive Site
Installing the WTP Adaptor
Jetty WTP
JBoss WTP for Kepler
JBoss WTP for Luna

:YES: = install for Eclipse STS.

Ctrl+Shift+R Resource
Ctrl+Shift+T Type
Ctrl+Shift+X Upper
Ctrl+Shift+Y Lower
Alt+Shift+X,Y Run as Java
Alt+Shift+R Rename
Ctrl+Alt+Up Duplicate line
Ctrl+L List all shortcuts
Alt+F7 Compare with HEAD
Alt+F8 Compare with Rev
Alt+Shift+F7 Replace with HEAD
Ctrl+Shift+P Navigating to Matching braces
Ctrl+O Navigating to different parts of the code
Ctrl+, and Ctrl+. Takes you to the previous/next error
Ctrl+F7 Switching to different views
Ctrl+F6 Switching to different editors
Ctrl+F8 Switch to different perspectives
F3 from console Navigate to the corresponding source code
Ctrl+Shift+ArrowUp/Down Jumping from method to method
Ctrl+Shift+I Evaluate selected expression
Ctrl+Shift+U Toggle case (upper/lower)

Questions answered

What are the best JVM settings for Eclipse?

See here.

How to reset/change authentication information for SVN access?

Subclipse running over SVNKit stores authentication information in configuration\org.eclipse.core.runtime\.keyring (see here and here for more information).

After switching from Subclipse to Subversive I cannot share the project anymore

  • You need to Disconnect the project in Subclipse before switching to new Subversive provider (see here).
  • You can move temporary .svn folder from the root of your project somewhere, refresh the project, return it back and refresh again. Now you can yse Team → Share Project (see here).

How to install JavaHL plugin for Subclipse?

When installing Subclipse JavaHL adapter for Eclipse on 64-bit platform, the installation fails due to the following:

Missing requirement: JavaHL 1.6.6 Win32 Binaries (Optional) 2.2.2.I20100512-1900 ( 2.2.2.I20100512-1900) requires ' [2.2.2.I20100512-1900]' but it could not be found

From here:

You need to install 64-bit version of Silk SVN. Subclipse should find JavaHL on %PATH% and just work.

How to install embedded application server for Eclipse?

How to copy workspace configuration (clone the workspace)?

You need to copy .metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.core.runtime/.settings folder.

How do I change Eclipse to use tabs instead of spaces?

Insert spaces for tabs

After setting the tab policy for Java/XML/… editor, one needs to uncheck Insert spaces for tabs in Preferences → Editors → Text Editors.

How to deal with console applications?

Indeed, when you launch the application that uses console directly under Eclipse it will not work, as System.console() will return null. The solution is described here:
  • either use BufferedReader bufferedReader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(;
  • or debug the Java application remotely (launch JVM with -Xdebug -Xnoagent -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,address=9090,server=y,suspend=y)

How enable schema checking & autocompletion for log4j.xml?

From Referencing log4j.dtd in log4j.xml:

You need to use the following declaration:

<!DOCTYPE log4j:configuration PUBLIC "-//APACHE//DTD LOG4J 1.2//EN" "">

instead of:

<!DOCTYPE log4j:configuration SYSTEM "log4j.dtd">

How to exclude target folder from search results?

From Exclude target folder from search results in eclipse:

Mark the target folders as “Derived” resource in properties. In quick search (Ctrl+Shift+R) screen in options (press the arrow in the top right corner) make sure that “Show derived resources” is unticked.

I get the PKIX path building failed: unable to find valid certification path to requested target exception when fetching from remote repository

The problem is that the remote server uses the SSL certificate, which couldn't be verified by JRE. This means you have to add the missing authority certificate (if the remote certificate was signed by it) or add the remote certificated itself (if it is self-signed). The best way is to check this in Firefox (click on this icon in right-bottom corner) and export the necessary key. Then you need to manipulate the JRE default key storage and import the given certificate to it. Assuming that you are in $JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/security directory and C:\Temp\DigiCertHighAssuranceEVRootCA.crt is the exported certificate:

..\..\bin\keytool.exe -import -trustcacerts -keystore cacerts -storepass changeit -noprompt -alias DigiCertHighAssuranceEVRootCA -file C:\Temp\DigiCertHighAssuranceEVRootCA.crt

In case you import the self-signed certificate, skip the -trustcacerts key. changeit is a default password for the key store. For complete reference check keytool manual.

Hot to cure “Read timeout” message in Update Manager?

From Change value of 'Read timeout' of Eclipse's Update Manager:

Add to your eclipse.ini.

IntelliJ IDEA


Shift+F6 Rename
Ctrl+B Go to declaration or usages
Ctrl+Alt+B Go to implementation
Ctrl+N Jump to class
Ctrl+Shift+N Search in all files
Ctrl+Shift+U Toggle lower/upper case
Ctrl+Alt+Shift+J Highlight all occurrences of selected text in a file
Ctrl+Alt+V Refactor → Extract variable
Ctrl+Alt+N Refactor → Inline (replace) variable
Ctrl+Shift+F10 Run all tests in current file
Alt-Enter Provide error fix (e.g. add missing import)
Ctrl-F12 Navigate to / list all class methods
1) :NO: Does not work on Eclipse Neon (4.6), use DBeaver below
2) SQL console
3) Make sure that Decompiled Class File Editor is the default editor for .class files (Preferences → Global → Editors → File Associations → *.class.)
4) Incremental text search. Also available via Eclipse Marketplace
5) Eclipse plugin that handles the derived state of resources from a textual file
software/eclipse.txt · Last modified: 2022/04/19 11:18 by dmitry
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