
XML to LDAP converter

Скрипт для преобразования номеров телефонов

cat Data.xml | perl -pe 's/&#32;//g; if (/(\+31[^<]+)/) { $a = $1; $a =~ s/(\s+|-|\(0\))//g; $a =~ /^(\+31)(\d+)(\d\d)(\d\d)(\d\d)$/ or die; $a = "$1 $2 $3-$4-$5"; s/(\+31[^<]+)/$a/; } ' > Data.xml_

Questions answered

Switching beteen GenoMap tabs does not work in Windows 7

Solution is described in this post:
  • Create a shortcut for GenoPro (e.g. on your desktop).
  • Goto Properties → Compatibility tab and enable select Disable visual themes.
  • Run GenoPro.
  • Now shortcut can be removed.