Accounting software

Some time ago I've come across the accounting software comparison, which has some of the products referred from here. Some good product are still missing there (like AbilityCash).

Mostly I was impressed by Grisbi which is like jGnash and GnuCash. What was not satisfactory in this software:

KMyMoney pleased me with a vast amount of features, most of which are not necessary for me. As a result in order to make a simple transaction I was lost in many menus and forms.

This all brings me to idea that I need to develop something custom. So I am on my way of requirement gathering. Right now I have the following requirements:

Implementation details draft:

  1. YUI on client side
  2. Apache, Perl (HTML::Template, FastCGI, JSON), MySQL (innodb) on server side


  1. GWT on client side
  2. Tomcat on server side

GnuCash drawbacks to be solved:

The major features of AbilityCash:

What AbilityCash lacks:
