XML processing

We all know that standard Java DOM implementation by Sun, which is bundled with JDK since early eras, has certain disadvantages:

These limitations do not come out from bad model design but are the result of strict following W3C specifications. The way out is to use alternative libraries, which compensate these limitations plus provide some extra bonuses.

Framework Xerces / W3C DOM Electic XML (jar) AXIOM1) (jar) dom4j v2.x dom4j v1.6.1 (jar) jDOM (jar) XOM (jar)
Implements org.w3c.dom interfaces? :YES: :YES: :YES: :NO: :NO: :NO: :NO:
Are Java5 collections enabled? :NO: :NO: :NO: :YES: :NO: :NO: :NO:
Provides interfaces for all model elements? :YES: :YES:2) :YES: :YES: :YES: :NO: :NO:
Are model elements java.io.Serializable? :NO: :YES: :NO: :YES: :YES: :YES: :NO:
Are model elements java.lang.Cloneable? :NO:3) :YES: :YES: :YES: :YES: :YES: :NO:
Fluent API? :NO: :YES: :NO: :YES: :YES: :YES: :NO:
Quick serialization to XML :NO: :YES: :YES: :YES: :YES: :NO: :YES:
Quick Element.getFirstChildElement(String name) :NO: :YES: :YES: :YES: :YES: :NO: :YES:
Quick Element.setAttribute(String name, String value) Element#setAttribute(String, String) :YES: :YES: :YES: :YES: :YES: :YES:
Quick Element.setText(String) Node#setTextContent(String) :YES: :YES: :YES: :YES: :YES: :YES:
Memory-efficient processing of big XML files :NO: :NO: :YES: :YES:4) :YES: :NO: :YES:5)
Visitor pattern support (DOM tree traversal) :NO: :NO: :NO:6) :YES: :YES: :NO: :NO:
Building from/to DOM :DEL: :DEL: :NO: / :NO: DOMReader#read(Document) / DOMWriter#write(Document) DOMReader#read(Document) / DOMWriter#write(Document) DOMBuilder#build(Document) / DOMOutputter#output(Document) DOMConverter#convert(Document)/:NO:
Building from/to SAX :NO: :NO: StAXOMBuilder#getDocument() / OMXMLReader SAXContentHandler#createDocument() / :NO: SAXContentHandler#createDocument() / :NO: SAXHandler#getDocument() / SAXOutputter#output(Document) :NO:7) / SAXConverter#convert(Document)
Building from/to StAX XMLDOMWriterImpl via XMLOutputFactory#createXMLStreamWriter(Result) / :NO: :YES: / :NO:8) StAXBuilder#StAXBuilder(XMLStreamReader) / OMSerializable#serialize(XMLStreamWriter) :NO: / STAXEventWriter(XMLEventConsumer) :NO: / STAXEventWriter(XMLEventConsumer) :NO: / :NO: :NO: / :NO:
XSTL transformation (TrAX) DOMSource, DOMResult :YES:9) OMSource, OMResult DocumentSource, DocumentResult DocumentSource, DocumentResult JDOMSource, JDOMResult, XSLTransformer.html#transform(Document) XSLTransform#transform(Document)10)
XPath search :NO: :YES:11) :YES:12) :YES:13) :YES:14) :YES:15) :YES:16)
XPath for given node :NO: :NO: :NO: :YES: :YES: :NO: :NO:
XML Schema Data Type support17) :NO: :NO: :NO: :YES: :YES: :NO: :NO:
XInclude support :NO: :NO: :NO: :NO: :NO: :NO: :YES:
Canonical XML support :NO: :NO: :NO: :NO: :NO: :NO: :YES:
License GPL EXML license (OpenSource, copyright) Apache license BSD licence BSD licence Apache license LGPL

Personal notes:

Relative links:

XML serialization

1) The description in this column about AXIOM model is incomplete
2) Only W3C DOM interfaces
3) Supports node cloning via Node#cloneNode()
4) Consumer's ElementHandler should detach the node from the tree after processing
5) Custom NodeFactory implementation should return empty node list
6) Traversing can be done by using OMNavigator
7) XOM has a hanlder nu.xom.XOMHandler, but it is non-public class
8) , 9) As Electic XML implements W3C DOM interfaces, any existing adapters can be used including ones bundled in JDK
10) nu.xom.xslt.XOMSource and nu.xom.xslt.XOMResult are non-public classes
11) , 12) , 13) , 14) , 15) , 16) Implementation is build on the top of Jaxen project
17) Framework support for creating a schema datatype checking model elements