====== [[wp>iOS]] ====== * [[http://ebaytoday.lifehacker.ru/2012/06/29/top-10-samyx-poleznyx-gadzhetov-dlya-prokachki-ipad-chast-1/|ТОП-10 самых полезных гаджетов для "прокачки" iPad]] ([[http://ebaytoday.lifehacker.ru/2012/07/02/top-10-samyx-poleznyx-gadzhetov-dlya-prokachki-ipad-chast-2/|часть 2]]) * [[http://ipadstory.ru/luchshie-prilozheniya-dlya-ipad.html|Лучшие приложения для iPad]] * [[habrahabr>168283|Вышел Evasi0n: jailbreak для всех устройств под управлением iOS 6.х]] ([[http://www.copytrans.net/support/jailbreak-iphone-ipad-ipod-touch-ios6/|How to jailbreak iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch running iOS6?]]) * [[http://www.iphonehacks.com/2012/06/make-chrome-default-browser-on-iphone-ipad.html|How to make Chrome the default browser on your iPhone, iPad (jailbreak)]] * [[torrents>4283731|Jailbreak: что это такое, для чего нужен и чем разблокировать конкретную iOS]] * [[http://www.cultofmac.com/227952/get-a-clean-ios-install-without-losing-your-jailbreak-with-semi-restore-jailbreak/|Get a clean iOS install without losing your jailbreak with Semi-Restore]] * [[http://www.jailbreakqa.com/faq#94647|How do I restore (downgrade/upgrade) my device to a non-latest iOS version above iOS 5.0?]] * **[[http://cydia.saurik.com/openssh.html|Change your root password after jailbreak!]]** * [[http://www.evad3rs.net/2015/10/jailbreak-status-all-devices.html|Jailbreak supported devices per iOS version]] * [[habrahabr>268515|Установка неподписанных программ на устройства с iOS 9 без Jailbreak]] * Applications to install on jailbreak (see [[lifehackeru>2013/04/29/jailbreak-na-ios|Зачем мне нужен jailbreak на iOS?]]): * [[http://www.myrepospace.com/profile/Bl00dra1n/257378/AppSync_for_iOS_6|AppSync]] -- to install applications from IPA (add http://repo.hackyouriphone.org/ to Cydia sources) * [[cydia>com.bigboss.aptbackup|AptBackup]] -- backup/restore Cydia items to iTunes * [[cydia>com.nickf.nownow|NowNow]] -- Google Now voice search everywhere (superseded by application from Apple) * [[cydia>veency|Veency]] -- remote control via VNC, see [[http://www.makeuseof.com/tag/remote-control-iphone-computer/|How to remote control your iPhone from your computer via VNC]] \\ \\ * [[cydia>net.crazy.resetallkiller|ResetAllKiller]] -- disable dangerous //Reset// button in //Settings// not allowing you to reset to latest iOS and destroy JailBreak. * [[cydia>net.crazy.updateskiller|Software Update Killer]] -- disable iOS //Software Update// and hide notification badge as well \\ \\ * :IDEA:[[cydia>net.tetherme.tetherme|TetherMe]] ($4.99) -- share internet via WiFi with other devices, turning your iOS device into HotSpot. One needs this tweak on iOS 7 if USB [[wp>tethering|tether]] is needed. * [[cydia>com.kstreich-dev.3gunrestrictor5|3G Unrestrictor 5]] ($3.99) -- allows you to trick applications into thinking they are on WiFi even though they are on 3G and by this remove restrictions like not being able to use FaceTime on 3G or watch high quality YouTube videos * [[cydia>com.malcolmhall.wifipasswords|WiFi Passwords]] -- shows previously entered WiFi passwords \\ \\ * :YES:[[cydia>jp.tom-go.openopera|Browser Changer]] -- open links in customizable 3rd-party browser instead of default Safari * :YES:[[cydia>net.joedj.nitrous|Nitrous]] ($0.99) -- give JavaScript a speed boost * [[cydia>ws.hbang.chromecrashfix|Chrome Crash Fix]] -- tiny fix for Chrome browser that crashes in JailBreak (from http://cydia.hbang.ws repo) (//is not needed with latest Chrome versions//) \\ \\ * :NO:[[cydia>com.filippobiga.springtomize2|Springtomize 2]] ($2.99) -- is really the only tweak you need to modify even the littlest aspect of your device (obsoletes //FolderCloser// and partially //Infiniboard// and //Infinidock//) * :YES:[[cydia>com.filippobiga.springtomize3|Springtomize 3]] ($2.99 or $1.99 for upgrade) * :WARN:[[cydia>de.ng.dockshift|DockShift]] -- customize dock backgrounds for iOS 7; on iPad dock disappears (buggy) * :YES:[[cydia>libactivator|Activator]] -- assign actions for gestures and buttons * :YES:[[cydia>org.herf.flux|f.lux]] -- warms colors at night to match indoor lighting * :YES:[[cydia>com.rpetrich.splitmail|SplitMail]] -- fix for mail app that splits screen correctly in portrait mode * :IDEA::NO:[[cydia>com.rpetrich.swipeback|SwipeBack]] -- swipe back from edges to navigate app UI (e.g. menus) more naturally * :YES:[[cydia>com.superdev.accelerate|Accelerate]] -- speed up animations \\ \\ * :NO:[[cydia>com.lablabla.muteicon|MuteIcon]] -- adds mute icon to status bar * :WARN:[[cydia>com.bushe.transparentvolume|TransparentVolume]] -- adjust the transparency of the background of the Volume HUD on iOS * [[cydia>com.intelliscreenx|IntelliScreenX 6]] ($9.99) -- Facebook, Twitter, RSS, Enhanced Mail, ... in your iOS 6 Notification Center and on your Lock Screen * :NO:[[cydia>com.jamied360.ncsettings|NCSettings]] -- Notification Center toggle widget allowing to access options without need to go to //Settings// * [[cydia>com.pathkiller.nccolor|NCColors]] -- change the background of Notification Center background * [[cydia>kr.slak.cctoggles|CCToggles]] -- customize visibility and order of each item in "Toggle" and "QuickLaunch" on ControlCenter for iOS 7 \\ \\ * :YES:[[cydia>com.iky1e.swipeselection|SwipeSelection]] -- move cursor & select text with swipes * :HELP:[[cydia>me.k3a.octopus|Octopus Keyboard]] ($4.99) -- a keyboard tweak that predicts what you are about to type \\ \\ * :WARN:[[cydia>com.dba-tech.forecast|Forecast]] -- replaces the standard lock clock with the native iOS5 weather widget; it also supports adding a clock to the weather widget in Notification Center * [[cydia>androidlockxt.d.php|AndroidLock XT]] ($4.99) -- replaces the default lock screen with gesture-driven like in Android * :WARN:[[cydia>me.adambell.stride|stride]] ($2.99) -- unlock with custom made gestures * :WARN:[[cydia>com.a3tweaks.axis|Axis]] ($0.99) -- launch favorite apps from the lock screen via grabbers \\ \\ * [[cydia>com.chpwn.infiniboard|Infiniboard]] ($0.99) -- enable vertical scroll on home screen pages allowing to add infinite number of app icons * [[cydia>com.xuzzproductions.iphone.cydia.gridlock2|Gridlock 2.0]] ($4.99) -- place your icons anywhere on the grid * :YES:[[cydia>com.aaronash.barrel|Barrel]] ($2.99) -- add animation when flipping icon pages * :NO:[[cydia>jp.ashikase.multiiconmover|MultiIcon Mover]] -- move several icons at once * :YES:[[cydia>com.yllier.foldercloser|FolderCloser]] -- auto-close folders after app launch \\ \\ * [[cydia>com.chpwn.infinidock|Infinidock]] ($1.99) -- enable horizontal scroll for dock which can hold infinite icons * [[cydia>org.thebigboss.swipedock|SwipeDock]] ($0.99) -- hide your dock with swipe \\ \\ * :WARN:[[cydia>org.thebigboss.auxo|Auxo]] ($1.99) -- powerful replacement for task bar (contains the functionality of //NCSettings// and //SwipeAway//) * :IDEA::NO:[[cydia>com.sirifl0w.swipeaway|SwipeAway]] -- kills one or all apps in task bar via a swipe * [[cydia>ws.hbang.switchspring|SwitchSpring]] -- gives you a convenient way to restart SpringBoard or quit all of your apps quickly on iOS 7 with swipe up on the home screen card in the app switcher * [[cydia>com.chpwn.zephyr|Zephyr]] ($4.99) -- swipe up from the bottom of the screen to close apps; switch apps by swiping left or right from the edge of the screen \\ \\ * [[cydia>net.qihoo.qbatterydoctorpro|360 Battery Saver Pro]] -- battery management app * [[cydia>com.ijinshan.kbatterydoctorpro.universal|BatteryDoctorPro]] -- monitors and optimizes your battery in a professional way, move important toggles and settings into Notification Center or Status Bar \\ \\ * [[http://www.weblockapp.com/faq/#question-5|Weblock]] -- ad-blocker In the list above: * :IDEA: -- the tweak is not needed in iOS 7 as it has this function implemented (in some way) * :NO: -- the tweak does not work in iOS 7 * :YES: -- the tweak works OK in iOS 7 * :WARN: -- the tweak is not yet available for iPad See also: * [[https://docs.zoho.com/sheet/published.do?rid=1m466b44658ede8d741fcabcefcdddbb03a2e|iOS 7 Jailbreak Tweaks Compatibility List]] * [[http://www.macdigger.ru/macall/10-dzhejlbrejk-tvikov-vxodyashhix-v-sostav-ios-7.html|10 джейлбрейк-твиков, входящих в состав iOS 7]] === File managers === * [[http://goodreader.net/goodreader.html|GoodReader]] (€3.99) -- super-robust PDF reader for iPad & iPhone * Sync with Dropbox, SkyDrive, SugarSync and any WebDAV, AFP, SMB, FTP or SFTP server * Annotate PDFs ( text boxes, popup comments / sticky notes, text highlights, freehand drawings, lines, arrows, rectangles, ovals, cloudy shapes, text underlines, strikeouts, text insertion marks) * Actions: create folders, move, copy and rename your files; zip/unzip/unrar, email them; plus send your files to other apps. * Text Search feature helps you find your way to the exact info you want in any PDF or TXT file. * File formats: PDF, TXT, DOC, XLS, PPT, HTML; JPG, GIF, TIF, BMP, PNG, ICO, CUR, XBM; AAC, ADTS, AC3, AIF, AIFF, AIFC, CAF, MP3, M4A, M4B, SND, AU, SD2, WAV; MOV, MP4, M4V, 3GP, MPV * [[http://www.ifilesapp.com/|iFiles]] ($3.99) -- a file manager, document viewer, text editor, voice recorder, wifi drive, and more * Sources: FTP/FTPS, SFTP, WebDav, Google Docs, Dropbox, Picasa, iCloud, Facebook, Flickr, Amazon S3... * Actions: Move, Copy, Rename, Delete, Create New Folder, Zip and Unzip, Email, Share over Wi-Fi or Bluetooth, Open In other applications... * File formats: DOC, RTF, TXT, XSL, PPT, HTML, PDF; MP4, MOV, 3GP; WAV, MP3, ACC, JPG, PNG, GIF, BMP, TIF, ICO... * Transfer files over WiFi & USB * [[http://site.cloudon.com/|CloudOn]] -- view/edit files (DOC, XLS, PPT, PDF, JPG, PNG, GIF) on Box, Dropbox and Google Drive accounts with associated iPad applications. However it renders PDF and TIFF slowly. * [[itunes>dropbox/id327630330|Dropbox]] * [[itunes>google-drive/id507874739|Google Drive]] * [[http://www.digidna.net/products/fileapp|FileApp]] -- file and document viewer * Actions: move, copy rename files and folders and this in batches also. * File formats: DOC, RTF, TXT, XSL, PPT, audio and video playback. * Transferred from any Computer via USB or Wi-Fi. * [[http://www.hogbaysoftware.com/products/plaintext|PlainText]] -- reading and writing text files, synced with Dropbox * [[4pda>191316|SuperFiles]] ($8.99) ([[itunes>superfiles/id345035575|full version]], [[itunes>superfiles-lite/id410814084|light version]]) -- frontend to Google Drive (including scan, OCR and translate), iDisk (MobileMe), SkyDrive, Dropbox, Box.net, Picasa, Flickr, WebDAV, FTP, SFTP * File formats: JPG, PNG, GIF, BMP, TIF, DOC, DOCX, XLS, PPS, PPSX, PPT, PPTX, RTF, PDF, CHM, FB2, PDB, EPUB, WEBARCHIVE, XML, HTML, CSS, TXT, CSV, TSV, PHP, JS, JAVA, C, CPP, MM, ... * Scan, OCR, text-to-speech for 37 languages, translate to 52 languages * Zip, UnZip, UnRar, email files * Send/Receive files between SuperFile applications via Bluetooth === Media players === * [[http://awesomereader.net/buzzplayerhd/|BUZZ Player HD]] ($2.99) ([[torrents>3543621|BUZZ Player v4.0.1 – latest with AC3/DTS]], [[torrents>4402786|BUZZ Player v4.1.0]], [[torrents>4559701|BUZZ Player v5.0.0]], [[http://www.datafilehost.com/download-b9914a7f.html|BUZZ Player v3.1.1]], [[4pda>197407|BUZZ Player v6.6.3]]) -- a multimedia player supporting many audio and video codecs and file formats, and various streaming protocols. * Container formats: 3GP, AVI, ASF, FLV, MKV (Matroska), MOV (QuickTime), MP4, NUT, Ogg, OGM, RealMedia, Bink, WMV, XVID, DIVX. * Video formats: Cinepak, DV, H.263, H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, HuffYUV, Indeo, MJPEG, MPEG-1, MPEG-2, MPEG-4 Part 2, RealVideo, Sorenson, Theora, WMV, Bink. * Audio formats: AAC, ALAC, AMR, AC3, DTS, FLAC, Intel Music Coder, Monkey's Audio, MP3, Musepack, RealAudio, Shorten, Speex, Vorbis, WMA, Bink. * Protocols: RTP, RTSP, uPnP, HTTP, FTP, MMS, Netstream (%%mpst://%%), SMB, %%ffmpeg://%% * [[http://www.iphonelife.com/blog/87/re-released-multimedia-player-buzz-player-series-4-ripoff|Re-released multimedia player "BUZZ Player" series 4 – a ripoff?]] * [[4pda>219999|AVPlayerHD]] ([[itunes>avplayerhd/id407976815|AVPlayerHD v2.11]]) * Container formats: AVI, WMV, RMVB, ASF, H264, MKV * Subtitle formats: SMI, SRT, TXT, ASS * Audio formats: AC3, DTS * FTP client, FTP/HTTP server * [[4pda>457218|nPlayer]] ([[itunes>nplayer/id539397400|nPlayer]]) * Container formats: MP4, MOV, MKV, AVI, WMV, ASF, FLV, OGV, RMVB, TP * Subtitle formats: SMI, SRT, SSA, IDX, SUB, LRC * Audio formats: AC3, DTS, MP3, WAV, WMA, FLAC, APE, CUE * Image formats : JPG, PNG, BMP, GIF, TIFF * Protocols: HTTP/FTP/WebDAV/UPnP/DLNA/SMB client * [[itunes>filmon-live-tv-free/id576167616|FilmOn Live TV]] -- watch over 300 live TV channels; free in SD quality and subscription is available for HD and record services * [[http://popcorn-time.se/ios.html|Popcorn]] -- watch movies and TV shows instantly on iOS * [[4pda>488827|Какие плееры для IPAD поддерживают аудио кодек AC3]] ^ Name ^ Version compatible with iOS 7.x ^ AAC/AC3 ^ Stretch AAC/AC3/SRT ^ Latest version ^ | 8player | [[4pda>248918|v2.13.3]] 21.10.2015 | | | [[itunes>8player/id622191019|v4.1.3]] 19.09.2018, iOS 11.x | | Infuse Pro | [[4pda>461495|v3.6.2]] ±22.09.2015 | :YES:/:YES: | :NO:/:NO:/:YES | [[itunes>8infuse-pro-5/id1136220915|v5.8.3]] 19.09.2018, iOS 9.x | | VLC | [[4pda>196046|v2.9.0]] 09.02.2018 | | | [[itunes>vlc-for-mobile/id650377962|v3.1.2]] 03.09.2018, iOS 9.x | | BUZZ Player | [[4pda>197407|v6.6.3]] 07.06.2016 | :YES:/:NO: | :YES:/:HELP:/:YES | v6.6.3 | === Dictionaries === * [[habrahabr>107782|Lingvo]] ($3) -- dictionary * [[http://iphone.itransition.com/dictionary/en/|Dictionary Universal]] ($5.99) -- morphology, pronunciation, StarDict format support (color highlighting), grouped dictionaries. * [[http://4pda.ru/2013/01/10/85518/|"Словариус" от Jourist Publishing: более 135 уникальных словарей в одном флаконе]] ($1.99) * [[http://ru.jourist.com/product/%D1%80%D1%83%D1%81%D1%81%D0%BE-%D1%82%D1%83%D1%80%D0%B8%D1%81%D1%82%D0%BE/|Руссо туристо]] ($9.99) === Games for kids === * [[http://4pda.ru/2012/12/28/84266/|Волшебные Пазлы]] * [[http://4pda.ru/2012/12/17/82705/|Одень Минако -- бумажная кукла на iOS]] * [[http://4pda.ru/2012/11/06/77533/|Pictorial 2 -- стильный и атмосферный пазл]] === Other === * [[http://www.trvl.com|Travel for iPad]] ([[itunes>trvl/id391961927|TRVL]]) -- each issue presenting a location-specific look at some of the world's most beautiful and fascinating destinations. * [[itunes>zoom-by/id555948729|Zoom BY]] -- the places you want to search and explore * [[itunes>live-ov/id576234004|Live OV]] -- track exact location of public transport vehicle (tram, bus, ...) * [[itunes>textgrabber-+-translator/id438475005|TextGrabber]] – turns your iPhone into a multifunctional mobile scanner with translation capability (seller: ABBYY). * [[http://mosfoodnews.ru/ipad_version/|Mosfoodnews]] -- кулинарное iPad-приложение * [[http://www.gosoftworks.com/GoSkyWatch/GoSkyWatch.html|GoSkyWatch Planetarium]] -- displays the sky view at the correct orientation when held at any angle not just landscape or portrait. * [[itunes>shazam-for-ipad/id364305715|Shazam]] -- recognize the song by sample, singer, title, ... * [[itunes>tunein-radio/id418987775|TuneIn Radio]] -- lets you listen to the world’s radio with music, sports, news, talk, and comedy streaming from every continent. * [[torrents>4356203|TomTom Europe v1.12 карты 895.4439 Европа [2012, MULTILANG +RUS]]] * [[itunes>reeder/id375661689|RSS Reeder for iPad]] -- syncs with Google Reader * [[http://feedly.com/|feedly RSS aggregator]] * [[http://gplusrss.com/|Google-Plus to RSS-Feed]] * [[itunes>mailbox/id576502633|Mailbox]] -- very nice mail reader, however it not possible to set it as default mailer * [[lifehackeru>2014/11/20/inbox-v-safari|Как пользоваться online сервисом inbox.google.com в Safari]] * [[itunes>calendars+-by-readdle/id371434886|Calendars+]] -- better alternative for build-in calendar * [[itunes>interneturok/id642312818|InternetUrok]] -- образовательный портал, содержащий более 3500 видеоуроков по школьной программе от учителей Санкт-Петербурга и Москвы, в открытом доступе и без рекламы * [[http://buienradar.nl/|Buienradar]] * [[http://www.buienalarm.nl/|Buienalarm]] -- weersverwachting ==== Questions answered ==== === [[habrahabr>223561|Перехват HTTP/HTTPS трафика iOS приложений]] === * Скачать пакет [[https://github.com/iSECPartners/ios-ssl-kill-switch/releases/download/release-0.6/com.isecpartners.nabla.sslkillswitch_v0.6-iOS_7.0.deb|com.isecpartners.nabla.sslkillswitch_v0.6-iOS_7.0.deb]], залить на iOS и установить. * //Settings -> SSL Kill Switch -> Disable Certificate Validation//, потом перегрузиться. Теперь почти для всех iOS приложений проверка сертификата заканчивается успехом какой бы сертификат приложению не подсунули. Это позволяет скормить через [[http://www.telerik.com/fiddler|Fiddler2]] весь HTTP/HTTPS трафик с вашего iOS девайса. === What application can show the WiFi spots signal strength and distribution over channels? === Unfortunately, all such applications have been removed from Apple store, see [[http://wifinetnews.com/archives/2010/03/apple_drops_wi-fi_sniffers_from_iphone_app_store.html|Apple Drops Wi-Fi Sniffers from iPhone App Store]]. However unofficially API can be called, see [[stackoverflow>2959567|iPhone signal strength]]. So the only possibility for jailbroken devices is to install [[http://www.cydiasources.net/wifi-analyzer-cydia-app.html|one of applications from Cydia]], in particular [[cydia>com.agranados.wifianalyzer|WiFi Analyzer]] (mind that [[https://sites.google.com/site/iphonewifianalyzer/2-0-1|it only supports the 2.4 GHz band and has limited support for 802.11n networks]]). === How to view saved WiFi passwords? === From [[http://apple.stackexchange.com/questions/54551|Is there any way to view saved wifi passwords]]: Checkout [[cydia>com.malcolmhall.wifipasswords|WiFi Passwords]]. === How to watch video from iPad on TV via AirPlay without Apple TV? === * [[http://cybernetnews.com/xbmc-airplay-on-windows/|XBMC supports AirPlay from v11]] (also in [[http://wiki.xbmc.org/index.php?title=AirPlay|wiki]]). Debian users can install it from [[http://packages.debian.org/unstable/main/xbmc|Debian repo]] (check the [[http://xbmc.org/theuni/2012/04/10/xbmc-accepted-into-debian/|packaging differences]]). Media players on XBMC: * [[http://matricom.net/products/g-box-midnight-mx2/#tab-crum-1|G-Box Midnight MX2]] * [[http://wiki.xbmc.org/index.php?title=HOW-TO:Install_XBMC_on_Apple_TV_2|Install XBMC on jailbroken Apple TV 2]] * Non-free application like [[https://reflectionapp.com/|ReflectionApp]] (on OS X or Windows PC) (see [[youtube>ZTZupHtvbas|Share iPad Screen without Apple TV]]) or [[http://www.airserverapp.com/en/Info/Compare|AirServer]] (OS X) plus HDMI cable to your TV. === What if my pad is lost or stolen? === * For OS X check [[http://www.apple.com/ipad/find-my-ipad.html|Find my iPad]]. Also check new feature [[http://support.apple.com/kb/HT5818|Find My iPhone Activation Lock]] in iOS 7. * For Android, check free [[lifehackeru>2012/10/17/kak-vernut-svojj-poteryannyjj-android|AndroidLost]] or non-free [[http://www.androidtapp.com/5-best-android-apps-to-find-a-lost-or-stolen-phone-android-app-recommendations-from-the-experts-at-androidtapp-com/|here]] === [[http://www.assistiveware.com/support/faq/page/64|How to prevent apps from being deleted?]] === Set //Settings -> General -> Restrictions -> Enable Restrictions [enter a 4-digit passcode and enter it again when prompted] -> Deleting Apps// to off. === How to install IPA application on iPad ? === Via USB link: * Have a look at [[http://i-funbox.com/|i-FunBox]] Via SSH: * You need to have OpenSSH installed (by default). Copy IPA to ''/private/var/mobile/Applications/'' * To install IPA use vShare. See also: * [[stackoverflow>10327876|How to Install Enterprise App (.ipa) on iPad]] * [[http://ipad-os.net/how-to-install-ipa-directly/|How to install IPA directly on your iOS]] * [[torrents>3421909|Инструкция по установке .ipa приложений]]. * [[http://topcydiasources.com/hackulous-alternatives-you-ever-wanted/|Hackulous Cydia repo and Installous are discontinued]]. [[http://www.cydiawater.com/hackulous-alternatives-to-install-free-cydia-apps/|Use alternative applications]]. === How to copy files from PC to iPad ? === Via USB link: * Check [[http://i-funbox.com/|i-FunBox]]. You will need to install drivers that come with iTunes though e.g. [[http://www.copytrans.net/support/install-iphone-ipod-touch-and-ipad-drivers-without-installing-itunes/|CopyTrans Drivers Installer]]. In total that is 40MB for //iFunBox//, 65MB //Apple Application Support// and 25MB for //Apple Mobile Device Support//. * If application supports FTP (like [[http://awesomereader.net/buzzplayerhd/|BUZZ Player HD]]), install one from the [[wp>List of FTP server software]], e.g. [[http://filezilla-project.org/|FileZilla]] or [[http://www.whitsoftdev.com/slimftpd/|SlimFTPd]]. * For iPhone/iPod check [[http://www.copytrans.net/copytransmanager.php|CopyTrans Manager]]. It does not work with iPad. or directly over SSH. === [[https://discussions.apple.com/thread/3990457?start=15&tstart=0|When I try to update the application iOS asks for wrong user ID]] === Try one of the following: * Try to logout and login in //Settings -> Store -> Apple ID//. * Delete the application and install it again. Newly installed application should be signed by correct ID. === How to use iPad as cellphone? === [[http://apple.stackexchange.com/a/80807/30815|Not possible]]. You need applications like [[itunes>google-voice/id318698524|Google Voice]] or [[itunes>skype/id442012681|Skype]] that will receive the VoIP over WiFi or 3G and reroute it to mobile network. === Is iOS 7/8 jailbroken? === * 7.0.0--7.0.4: [[http://www.jailbreakqa.com/questions/197448/jailbreaking-ios-7|Jailbreaking iOS 7]]. * 7.1.1--7.1.2: [[http://evasion7.com/pangu/|iOS 7.1.x untethered jailbreak for any iPhone iPad or iPod with pangu]] * [[http://www.evad3rs.net/2014/06/pangu-jailbreak-711-download-install.html|Pangu Jailbreak 7.1.2, 7.1.1 Download / Install]] * [[https://isios7jailbrokenyet.com/|A crowdfunded reward for the first developer(s) who release an open source iOS 7 jailbreak]] is $30532. * 8.1.3--8.4: [[http://www.taig.com/en/|TaiG Jailbreak Tool v2.4.3]] ([[charter97>2015/6/23/156784/|Китайцы взломали iOS 8.3]]) === What to do with i-device before selling it? === From [[http://support.apple.com/kb/HT5661|What to do before selling or giving away your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch]]: * Back up your device. * Go to //Settings -> General -> Reset//, then tap //Erase All Content and Settings//. \\ This will completely erase your device and turn off iCloud, iMessage, FaceTime, Game Center, and other services. \\ If you're using iOS 7 and have Find My iPhone turned on, your Apple ID and password will be required. After you provide your password, the device will be erased and removed from your account so that the next owner can activate it. === How to minimize user disruption from reloading purged tabs? === From [[googlecode>p/chromium/issues/detail?id=228206|Issue 228206]]: Try //Settings -> Bandwidth -> Preload Webpages -> Never//. === What is the directory where applications data is stored? === In shell navigate to ''/private/var/mobile/Applications''. To find the private folder for a given app do: # ls /private/var/mobile/Applications/*/*.app | grep MyAppName B190A468-8D3F-4767-BB97-176074A572B0/MyAppName.app === [[http://forums.macrumors.com/showthread.php?t=1713260|I got "iCloud keychain was reset, this phone is no longer participating in iCloud keychain." message]] === Go to //Settings -> iCloud// and enable //Keychain//. After [[http://macs.about.com/od/CloudServices/fl/How-to-Change-iCloud-Keychains-Security-Code-and-Phone-Number.htm|SMS verification and entering account password]] the problem is gone. === [[https://apple.stackexchange.com/a/202656/30815|Which additional packages to install?]] === * //Darwin CC Tools//: ''nm'', ''otool'', ''strings'', ''ld'' * //BigBoss Recommended Tools//: ''less'', ''hexdump'', ''locale'', ''lsof'', ''top'', ''ps'', ''vim'', ''whois'', ''wget'', ''svn'', ''git'', ''patch'', ''make'' * //Locale Profiles in UTF-8//: ''/usr/share/locale/en_US.UTF-8'' {{tag>OCR dictionary VNC}}