====== Google Chrome Browser ====== ==== Questions answered ==== === What is [[https://developer.chrome.com/multidevice/data-compression|Google Data Saver]]? === Chrome sends requests via Google proxy server via [[wp>SPDY]]. This proxy server optimizes the content (image transcoding, CSS/JavaScript compression) and compresses the output. See also [[httpd#how_to_enable_http2|How to enable HTTP/2 on Apache]]. === [[stackoverflow>18483087|How can I disable Google Chrome auto update?]] === * Go to ''about:plugins'' and disable plugin "Google Update" (if Chrome was installed not by system administrator). * Disable "GoogleUpdateTask" in //Task Scheduler//. * Remove ''Google Update'' key from ''HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run''. === [[https://productforums.google.com/forum/m/#!msg/chrome/E8cIWIsOn9s/v3NIfLOeRo8J|How to prevent page auto-loading when switching between tabs in Chrome?]] === Some tips that may help, but there is no solution (other than stop using Chrome on Android/iOS): * Clear cache in browser settings -> privacy. * Close other open apps. * Set background refresh to ''off'' for Chrome in system settings. === How to enable SSO in Chrome? === From [[http://dev.chromium.org/developers/design-documents/http-authentication|HTTP authentication in Chrome]] the following schemes are supported: * Basic * Digest * NTLM * Negotiate Add the following arguments to Chrome startup script: ''%%--auth-server-whitelist=* --auth-negotiate-delegate-whitelist=*%%'' === [[http://malwaretips.com/blogs/remove-costmin-virus/|What is CostMin extension and how to remove it?]] === CostMin is technically not a virus, but it does exhibit plenty of malicious traits, such as rootkit capabilities to hook deep into the operating system, browser hijacking, and in general just interfering with the user experience. === How to disable Chrome auto update? === * If Chrome was installed without administrative privileges, disable/remove //Chrome Update// extension. * Otherwise remove this registry key: REGEDIT4 [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run] "Google Update"="\"C:\\Users\\...\\AppData\\Local\\Google\\Update\\GoogleUpdate.exe\" /c" See also [[superuser>272205|Disable auto-update of Google Chrome]] and [[stackoverflow>27657617|How to disable Google Chrome extension autoupdate]]. === Where can I download old versions of Chrome? === More or less big collections can be found at: * [[|Linux Debain]] * [[http://orion.lcg.ufrj.br/RPMS/myrpms/google/|Linux RPM]] * [[http://www.oldapps.com/google_chrome.php|Windows]] Linux artifacts are mirrored at [[cloudmail>4Laf/Zu7oiLGv7|Mail.ru Cloud]]. Some packages (most recent) can be found at: * http://shersonb.net/repositories/google-chrome/ * http://rpmfind.net/linux/rpm2html/search.php?query=google-chrome-stable === Howto restore all scripts for Tampermonkey plugin? === Copy/restore file ''%LOCALAPPDATA%\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Local Extension Settings\dhdgffkkebhmkfjojejmpbldmpobfkfo\000003.log'' === Latest Chrome versions don't work on SLES 11 === First problem: $ /opt/google/chrome/chrome /opt/google/chrome/chrome: error while loading shared libraries: libbz2.so.1.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory Second problem: $ /opt/google/chrome/chrome /opt/google/chrome/chrome: symbol lookup error: /opt/google/chrome/chrome: undefined symbol: FT_Get_Advances Third problem: $ /opt/google/chrome/chrome Segmentation fault * First problem can be solved by symlinking the necessary library: \\ ''cd /lib64 && ln -s libbz2.so.1.0.5 libbz2.so.1.0'' * Second problem is solved by installing Freetype library from OpenSuSE 11.4 (see also [[http://productforums.google.com/forum/#!msg/chrome/2RMhirOM-VE/kCZuC9gUIJoJ|Google Chrome Forum]]): \\ ''rpm -U libfreetype6-2.4.11-85.1.x86_64.rpm freetype2-devel-2.4.11-85.1.x86_64.rpm'' * Third problem has no solution yet. That means v27 crashes, and v28 and later have the following dependency: \\ ''xorg-x11-libX11 >= 7.6_1'' {{tag>Chrome browser SPNEGO NTLM Kerberos}}