====== [[wp>Android]] ====== ===== Applications ===== Hangouts 17 is the last version that let's you set hangouts as the default SMS app. * [[googleplay>com.whatsapp|WhatsApp]] * [[googleplay>com.skype.raider|Skype]] ---- * [[googleplay>org.yoki.android.buienalarm|Buienalarm]] -- уведомления про дождь * [[http://www.amazon.com/Weather-Live-Free-Atmospheric-Conditions/dp/B009C7JS14/|Weather Live Free]] (предварительно установить [[http://www.amazon.com/gp/mas/get-appstore/android/|Amazon App Store]]) * [[googleplay>net.nurik.roman.dashclock|DashClock Widget]] -- отличный виджет для лок-скрина * [[googleplay>net.nurik.roman.muzei|Muzei Live Wallpaper]] -- "Живые" обои из известных картин. Куча плагинов для других источников (NASA, 500px и т.д.) * [[googleplay>com.palmarysoft.forecaweather|Palmary Weather]] -- неплохой виджет с погодой * [[googleplay>com.morecast.weather|Weather Morecast]] ([[4pda>831404|APK]]) -- nice weather app with moderate ads and very good widget * [[4pda>977906|Weather Advanced]] * [[4pda>285933|Android Weather & Clock Widget]] * [[4pda>200025|Gismeteo Weather Forecast LITE]] * [[4pda>1004893|The Weather App]] ---- * [[googleplay>com.ijinshan.kbatterydoctor_en|Battery Doctor]] -- alternative battery monitoring utility * [[googleplay>com.digibites.accubattery|Accu​Battery]] -- tries to measure charge/discharge in mAh, but works not on all devices ([[https://accubattery.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/209646449-Why-am-I-stuck-on-the-battery-calibration-screen-|Samsung Galaxy S4/S5 don't work]]) ---- * [[googleplay>com.ttxapps.dropsync|Dropsync]] * [[googleplay>dk.tacit.android.foldersync.lite|FolderSync]] -- Альтернативный клиент для Dropbox. В отличие от официального, автоматически синхронизирует в обе стороны. * [[googleplay>com.google.android.apps.docs|Google Drive]] ---- * [[googleplay>aarddict.android|Aard Dictionary]] -- оболочка для словарей, формат не очень распространённый, так что у меня в ней только офлайн-википедия * [[googleplay>mobi.goldendict.android.free|GoldenDict Free]] -- а словари у меня в этой оболочке (в бесплатной версии можно только 5 штук подключить) * [[googleplay>com.google.android.apps.translate|Google Translate]] ---- * [[googleplay>com.quickoffice.android|Quickoffice]] -- "мобильный офис" от Google * [[googleplay>com.alarex.gred|DroidDia]] -- Рисование диаграмм под Android. * [[googleplay>net.thinkingspace|Mindjet Maps]] -- Одни из лучших "mind maps" под Android. * [[googleplay>com.sensopia.magicplan|MagicPlan]] -- Чертим план комнаты с помощью камеры. * [[googleplay>com.scanthing.android|ScanThing]] -- the best and most intelligent optical character recognition (OCR) App on Android Play * [[googleplay>com.niksoftware.snapseed|Snapseed]] -- неплохой фото-редактор * [[googleplay>com.justpictures|JustPictures!]] -- хорошая замена стандартной Gallery, можно подключать аккаунты с разных сервисов (Flickr, Photobucket, Facebook, 500px, etc.), в т.ч. и публичные альбомы не твоих аккаунтов, давно не обновлялась, правда * [[googleplay>mobisle.mobisleNotesADC|Mobisle Notes]] -- неплохие симпатичные заметки + простенький TODO, для меня оказались оптимальным сочетанием фич среди всего многообразия таких программ * [[googleplay>com.kallisto.papyrusex|Papyrus Ex]] -- Простые текстовые заметки. Хранятся в виде обычных TXT файлов (удобно синхронизировать с компом!) * [[googleplay>com.evernote|Evernote]] -- Персональный органайзер. Куча плагинов и интеграция везде, где только можно подумать. * [[googleplay>com.aor.droidedit|DroidEdit]] ([[4pda>324730|APK]]) -- текстовый редактор с подсветкой синтаксиса * [[googleplay>|Quoda Code Editor]] ([[4pda>602193|APK]]) -- текстовый редактор с подсветкой синтаксиса (//not finished//) * [[googleplay>uk.co.nickfines.RealCalc|RealCalc Scientific Calculator]] -- отличный калькулятор * [[googleplay>com.visionobjects.calculator|MyScript Calculator]] -- Прикольный калькулятор, где формулы надо рисовать пальцем. ---- * [[googleplay>se.catharsis.android.calendar|Smooth Calendar]] -- компактный, удобный виджет для календаря * [[googleplay>com.esites.ecal|Wave Calendar]] -- :ADD: supports tasks :DEL: does not support richtext in description, fails to create new event, discontinued * [[googleplay>com.google.android.calendar|Google Calendar]] -- :DEL: [[https://productforums.google.com/forum/#!topic/calendar/kg_aooQmESY|does not support tasks]] * [[googleplay>com.digibites.calendar|DigiCal Calendar]] -- :DEL: does not support richtext, does not support tasks ---- * [[googleplay>nl.ns.android.activity|NS Reisplanner Xtra]] -- расписание поездов * [[googleplay>eu.waleson.sneltrein|SnelTrein]] -- тоже про поезда, выглядит простенько, но пользоваться удобнее * [[googleplay>nl.skywave.ovinfo|OVinfo beta]] -- Информация о маршрутах публичного транспорта в Голландии в реальном времени. * [[googleplay>de.schildbach.oeffi|Offi]] -- клиент для real time данных общественного транспорта, поддерживает кучу разных транспортных компаний (в основном, по Европе) * [[googleplay>br.com.easytaxi|Uber]] -- вызов такси * [[habrahabr>233137|Грязные трюки Uber против конкурента: 5560 отменённых вызовов такси]] * [[googleplay>com.waze|Waze]] -- "Социальный" навигатор - краудсорсит информацию о пробках и пр. от своих пользователей. * [[googleplay>com.weeswijs.ovchip|OV-Chip Checker]] -- Баланс OV-карточки и последние поездки. * [[googleplay>com.ticketspot.mobile|TicketSpot Bus Ukraine]] -- купить билеты online на автобусы 50+ компаний * [[googleplay>com.chartcross.gpstest|GPS Test]] -- всякая инфа про GPS-спутники * [[googleplay>com.mendhak.gpslogger|GPS Logger for Android]] -- GPS трекер (сохраняет лог в GPX, KML, CSV или NMEA; загружает в Dropbox / Google Docs / [[http://www.opengts.org/|OpenGTS]]) * [[googleplay>com.maprika|Maprika]] -- GPS для лыжников (показывает всех членов группы на карте региона, может автоматически разбить путь на подъёмники и спуски на основании данных OSM с отдельной статистикой по каждому) * [[http://doro.poltava.ua/gpsm/gpsmta.html|GPSMTA]] -- GPS трекер / GPS мониторинг для Android ---- * [[http://www.phonearena.com/news/5-of-the-best-offline-GPS-maps-apps-for-Android_id59399|8 of the best offline GPS maps apps for Android]] * [[googleplay>com.here.app.maps|HERE]] -- офлайн навигация * [[googleplay>com.waze|Waze]] -- навигация с функцией социальной сети (пользователи сами сообщают о пробках) * [[googleplay>com.skobbler.forevermapngtrial|GPS Navigation & Maps]] -- ещё одни векторные оффлайн-карты с весьма быстрым рендерингом (OsmAnd нервно курит) * [[googleplay>com.codesector.maverick.lite|Maverick: GPS Navigation]] -- ещё одна неплохая "навигация", очень удобная и симпатичная, правда, карты не векторные * [[googleplay>com.mapswithme.maps.pro|MAPS.ME]] -- карта, разрабатываемая россиянами (больше объектов на картах пост-советского пространства) * [[googleplay>com.here.app.maps|OsmAnd Maps & Navigation]] -- офлайн карты из OpenStreetMap (худшая, на мой взгляд * [[googleplay>com.dennisstam.parkeerApp|ParkeerNL]] -- показывает парковочные зоны различными цветами, согласно приблизительной стоимости парковки; информация о пробках * [[googleplay>com.themobilecompany.Onderweg|Onderweg]] -- показывает парковочные зоны одним цветом зоны, а в деталях зоны показывает стоимость парковки ---- * [[googleplay>com.innologica.inoreader|InoReader]] -- отличная RSS-читалка, гораздо лучше бывшего Google Reader * [[googleplay>org.geometerplus.zlibrary.ui.android|FBReader]] -- хорошая читалка * [[googleplay>universe.constellation.orion.viewer|Orion Viewer]] -- Отличная "смотрелка" для DjVu и PDF. * [[googleplay>com.neverland.alreader|AlReader]] -- ещё одна весьма достойная "читалка" с большим количеством положительных отзывов * [[googleplay>com.bubblesoft.android.bubbleupnp|BubbleUPnP for DLNA/Chromecast]] -- stream all your music, videos and photos to various devices in your house * [[googleplay>de.danoeh.antennapod|AntennaPod]] -- если слушаешь подкасты * [[googleplay>com.spotify.mobile.android.ui|Spotify]] -- Куча музыки с бесплатным онлайн-стримингом. Без premium-аккаунта будут вставлять рекламу. * [[googleplay>com.mxtech.videoplayer.ad|MX Player]] -- Отличный видео-плеер. В отличие от системного, умеет AVI и кучу других форматов. * [[http://forum.xda-developers.com/apps/mx-player/mx-player-custom-codec-dts-support-t2156254|Custom Codec to support DTS/AC3/MLP audio]] as in pro v1.7.33 AC3, MLP audio codec were removed due to license issue. For Samsung S4 download version for ARM v7-Neon and follow the instructions. * Before installing the [[4pda>253883&st=12660#entry40775046|patched version]], uninstall current MX Player application including codecs. ---- * [[googleplay>com.azumio.android.instantheartrate.classic|Instant Heart Rate]] -- измеряет пульс (весьма неплохо!) по пальцу на камере * [[googleplay>com.protogeo.moves|Moves]] -- собирает статистику, когда и куда ходил, считает шаги, километры и пр. * [[googleplay>com.fitnesskeeper.runkeeper.pro|RunKeeper]] -- Запись и разнообразная статистика по пробежкам. * [[googleplay>com.runtastic.android|Runtastic]] -- Ещё один конкурент. * [[googleplay>com.endomondo.android|Endomondo]] -- Ещё один более универсальный спорт-трекер. * [[googleplay>net.androgames.level|Bubble level]] -- Простой и практичный пузырьковый уровень. * [[googleplay>com.urbandroid.sleep|Sleep as Android]] -- "Умный" будильник, отслеживающий фазы сна. ---- * [[googleplay>com.buymeapie.bmap|Buy Me a Pie!]] -- Удобный список покупок. * [[googleplay>com.agilys.myshopi|myShopy]] -- список покупок с картинками. * [[googleplay>nl.scoupy.apps.scoupy|Scoupy]] -- купоны, скидки по магазинам в NL. * [[googleplay>de.stocard.stocard|Stocard]] -- all loyalty cards on your smartphone ---- * [[http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1523691|MiXplorer]] -- простенький симпатичный файл-менеджер, позаимствованный из MIUI * [[googleplay>com.estrongs.android.pop|ES File Explorer File Manager]] ([[4pda>138744|APK]]) -- удобный и функциональный "проводник" * [[googleplay>org.wikipedia|Wikipedia]] -- официальный клиент, стал гора-аздо лучше после недавнего апдейта * [[googleplay>kr.sira.sound|Sound Meter]] -- замеряет уровень звука в децибеллах * [[googleplay>com.twoshellko.simplysudoku|Simply Sudoku]] -- отличная реализация известной игры * [[googleplay>com.kebab.Llama|Llama]] -- Location Profiles * [[googleplay>vivino.web.app|Vivino Wine Scanner]] * [[googleplay>com.google.zxing.client.android|Barcode Scanner]] * [[googleplay>com.google.android.apps.authenticator2|Google Authenticator]] * [[googleplay>com.authy.authy|Authy]] -- двухфазовый айтентификатор для Gmail, Facebook, Evernote, Dropbox, Outlook, linode. * [[googleplay>com.abnamro.nl.mobile.payments|ABN AMRO Mobiel Bankieren]] * [[googleplay>com.ics.nl.abnamrocreditcard|ICS App ABN AMRO creditcards]] * [[googleplay>com.shazam.android|Shazam]] -- "я угадаю эту мелодию с трёх нот" * [[googleplay>com.google.android.stardroid|Google Sky Map]] -- карта звёздного неба * [[googleplay>ru.orangesoftware.financisto|Financisto]] -- "Домашняя бухгалтерия". ---- * [[googleplay>com.nll.acr|ACR]] -- phone call recorder * [[googleplay>com.appstar.callrecorder|Call Recorder]] ---- * [[https://medium.com/genymobile/gnirehtet-reverse-tethering-android-2afacdbdaec7|gnirehtet]] -- a reverse tethering tool for Android. The article also explains that [[wp>SOCKS]] does not work well in case UDP proxying is needed. * [[googleplay>org.torproject.android|Orbot: Proxy with Tor]] -- Tor-прокси (для полностью прозрачной работы во всех приложениях нужен root) * [[googleplay>org.zwanoo.android.speedtest|Speedtest.net]] -- всем известная замерялка скорости интренета * [[googleplay>com.farproc.wifi.analyzer|Wifi Analyzer]] -- статистика по WiFi-сетям * [[googleplay>ua.com.streamsoft.pingtools|PingTools]] -- ping, traceroute, port scanner, WiFi scanner * [[googleplay>com.opera.max.global|Opera Max]] -- transparent compression of data for mobile and Wi-Fi networks; implemented by proxying the traffic through Opera servers like [[chrome#what_is_google_data_saver|Google Data Saver]] * [[googleplay>com.sonelli.juicessh|JuiceSSH]] -- Отличный SSH-клиент. * [[googleplay>com.mobilityflow.torrent|aTorrent]] -- было нужно пару раз скачать торрент * [[googleplay>com.nxp.taginfolite|NFC TagInfo by NXP]] -- Чтение NFC-меток (карточки с RFID и пр.) * [[googleplay>com.maxistar.monobluetoothfree|Mono Bluetooth Router]] -- Playing music via mono headset * [[googleplay>com.IG.BluetoothManager|Bluetooth Manager]] * [[googleplay>com.gsmdev.simcard|SIM Card]] -- utility to view SIM card properties (serial number, country, operator) * [[googleplay>com.android.keepass|KeePassDroid]] -- хранилка паролей, есть под все платформы (Win, Lin, iOS) (see also [[security#keepass|KeePass]]) * [[googleplay>com.realvnc.viewer.android|VNC Viewer]] -- VNC клиент * [[googleplay>com.fusionmedia.investing|Investing]] ([[4pda>589152|APK]]) -- финансовое приложение, которое предоставляет текущие котировки валют, акций, облигаций, сырьевых товаров, ETF, Bitcoin (Биткойн), индексов и фьючерсов. ---- * [[googleplus>109778339382896924585/posts/GG16XqxNcrx|Удобные приложения в помощь отпускникам и туристам]] * [[http://www.engadget.com/2014/07/31/amazon-appstore-free-android-apps/|Amazon's offering 30 free Android apps]] * [[lifehackeru>2015/03/19/prilozheniya-android-pomogut-skryt-informatsiyu|Приложения, которые помогут скрыть личную информацию на вашем Android-смартфоне]] * [[lifehackeru>2014/12/30/10-programm-root-android|10 программ, из-за которых стоит рутовать Android]] * [[http://apps.evozi.com/apk-downloader/|APK Downloader]] -- generate download link for free software in GooglePlay * [[http://4pda.ru/2015/01/07/195556/|Лучшие игры 2014 года для Android]] ===== Applications for eReader ===== * [[4pda>112220&st=0#entry7958338|Каталог программ]] * [[http://geektimes.ru/post/206426/|Что ещё можно делать на e-ink книге с Android]] * [[http://t1-reader.ru/articles/install-applications.html|Самостоятельная установка программ на Sony PRS-T1 и PRS-T2]] * [[googlecode>p/vudroid/|VuDroid]] -- djvu and PDF document viewer * [[googleplay>com.dropbox.android|Dropbox]] * [[googleplay>com.prey|Prey Anti Theft]] * [[lifehackeru>2013/08/08/android-device-manager|Google теперь помогает найти украденный Android-смартфон]] * [[googleplay>com.devhd.feedly|Feedly]] RSS reader * [[googleplay>com.noinnion.android.greader.reader|gReader]] RSS reader (also supports Feedly cloud) * [[googleplay>org.kman.AquaMail|Aqua Mail]] -- supports Gmail out of the box, 2 accounts for free version * [[googleplay>jackpal.androidterm|Android Terminal]] ===== Samsung Galaxy ===== * [[https://support.t-mobile.com/docs/DOC-5848|Samsung Galaxy S4 icons indicators & buttons]] * [[http://www.gadgetguy.com.au/how-to-fix-three-flaws-of-the-samsung-galaxy-s4/|How to fix three flaws of the Samsung Galaxy S4]] * [[youtube>spAY40G49Jw|How to Back Up your Samsung Galaxy S3 Method 1]], [[youtube>CKEbxwheNVk|How to Back Up your Samsung Galaxy S3 Method 2]] === How to root Samsung Galaxy? === {{ odin_twrp.png|Odin report after a successful TWRP flashing}} Read and follow [[https://forum.xda-developers.com/t/root-official-cf-auto-root-by-chainfire-t-700-t-705-t-800-t805.2881826/#post-55548665|instructions]]((A bit outdated)): * Select device / firmware on [[https://desktop.firmware.mobi/|this site]] (e.g. [[https://desktop.firmware.mobi/device:345|G800FXXU1CRB1 for Galaxy S5 Mini / SM-G800F]]). * Click on "CF-AUTO-ROOT" button to download Odin + image (leave all further options as default). * Put your phone in download mode: * Disconnect USB from PC. * Turn off phone. * Boot the phone in download mode (VolumeDown + Home + Power). :WARN: If it asks you to press a button to continue (usually VolumeUp), press the listed button. * Connect USB to PC and wait until serial drivers are installed. * Start ''tools\Odin3.exe'', check that ID:COM box is not empty i.e. Odin has detected the device on some COM interface, check "AP" and select ''image\image.tar.md5'' as source image and press "Start". \\ :INFO: If Odin fails with a message SetupConnection.. All threads completed. (succeed 0 / failed 1) then try using another USB port or reboot Windows. :OPT: Alternatively, [[https://www.xda-developers.com/how-to-install-twrp/#howtoinstalltwrpsamsung|flash TWRP]] (or [[https://forum.xda-developers.com/general/paid-software/flashfire-t3075433|FlashFire]]), and then install [[https://forum.xda-developers.com/t/stable-2017-05-27-supersu-v2-82.3452703/|SuperSU]]. For that: * Download TWRP image for your phone (e.g. ''[[https://eu.dl.twrp.me/kminilte/|twrp-3.5.2_9-0-kminilte.img.tar]]'' for Galaxy S5 Mini / SM-G800F) * Start Odin and flash above TAR file with above method by selecting it in "AP" input. \\ :INFO: You may wish to disable "Auto reboot" option to be able to launch TWRP using below steps. * Hold the recovery mode key-combo (usually VolumeUp + Home + Power and then release Power when logo appears). TWRP will start. Now install previously downloaded ''SuperSU-v2.82-201705271822.zip'' from SD card. To **revert root (unroot)** do one of: * Launch SuperSU app, select //Settings -> Full unroot// * :OPT: [[https://androidmtk.com/download-samsung-stock-rom|flash the stock firmware]] (:WARN: not tested). === How to replace stock firmware in Samsung Galaxy phones? === Options: * For Samsung Galaxy S7, S8, S9 take a look at [[https://doc.e.foundation/easy-installer|/e/OS]] * For Samsung Galaxy S4, S5, A3, A5, A7 take a look at [[https://download.lineageos.org/|LineageOS]] * For Samsung Galaxy S5 mini use [[https://forum.xda-developers.com/t/rom-9-0-unofficial-g800f-m-y-lineageos-16-0-beta-17-05-2021.3868612/|unofficial G800F/M/Y LineageOS build]]. Installation steps: * [[#how_to_root_samsung_galaxy|Root the device]] and [[https://twrp.me/samsung/samsunggalaxys5miniexynos.html|install TWRP]] from [[googleplay>me.twrp.twrpapp|Google Play]] (skip this step if TWRP is already installed). * Reboot the device in recovery mode (press VolumeUp + Home + Power button and then release Power when logo appears), see [[https://www.xda-developers.com/how-to-boot-to-recovery/#samsung|key combinations for other Samsung models]]. * [[https://twrp.me/faq/whattobackup.html|Backup]] system, data, and boot partitions just in case (usually TWRP suggests a reasonable selection set, so keep it default). * Wipe "Data", "Cache" and "Dalvik" partitions (this is the default option). If you want to start from blanc, also wipe "Internal Storage" (all application data is lost, including photos). * Install [[https://www.androidfilehost.com/?fid=2188818919693806214|previously downloaded LineageOS]] to SD card ''%%lineage-...-kminilte.zip%%'' via TWRP "Install" menu. * :OPT: Install [[https://opengapps.org/|previously downloaded GApps]] to SD card ''%%open_gapps-arm-9.0-micro-...zip%%'' \\ :INFO: Choose smaller packages if installation complains that there is no space in internal storage. You can later install necessary Google apps on SD card. * :OPT: Refresh your fingerprints as on new screen old fingerprints may not function reliably. :INFO: [[https://forum.xda-developers.com/t/lineageos-16-usb-preferences.4010031/|To change default USB option from "No data transfer" to "File transfer"]] go to //Settings -> System -> Developer options -> Default USB Configuration//. === [[https://www.samsung.com/my/support/tv-audio-video/screen-mirroring-on-the-tv-with-the-galaxy-s5/|Screen mirroring]] does not work on Samsung Galaxy S5 phones === See [[https://eu.community.samsung.com/t5/other-smartphones/screen-mirroring-miracast-does-not-work-for-samsung-galaxy-s5/m-p/1471400|thread 1]], [[https://forums.androidcentral.com/samsung-galaxy-s5/471902-why-i-cant-connect-my-galaxy-s5-my-smart-tv-sony-bravia-kdl-50w805b-hrough-screen-mirroring-2.html|thread 2]]. ===== Questions answered ===== === [[http://forums.androidcentral.com/samsung-galaxy-s5/379974-help-extending-lock-screen-timeout.html|When the phone is locked and I turn the screen on with the power button, it does off in few seconds]] === There is no explicit option to control the timeout of lock screen, but it is implicitly controlled by //Power saving// (set it to //off//). === How to upgrade firmware on Nokia 130 to enable Cyrillic? === * Make backup of contacts: * Either using [[http://www.downloads.techdiscussion.in/smartphones/nokia-130-dual-sim-pc-suite-and-usb-driver/|Nokia PC Suite]] via Bluetooth * Backup your contacts to internal SD card (//Contacts → Settings → Backup contacts//). :IDEA: Generated ''backup.dat'' is actually ''backup.vcf''. * Download ''[[4pda>595227&st=80#post-main-51263689|RM_1037.zip]]'' and unpack it to ''C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Packages\Products\RM-1037\''. * Alter files ''RM1037_059W097_10.02.11_019.vpl'' and ''RM1037_059W097_10.02.11_019.signature.bin''. Replace in them the model with the one you need. Also change the model in the name of four files (including two mentioned). (see very detailed [[http://www.gsmforum.ru/threads/231889-%D0%9F%D1%80%D0%BE%D1%88%D1%83-%D0%BF%D0%BE%D0%BC%D0%BE%D1%87%D1%8C-%D0%BF%D1%80%D0%BE%D1%88%D0%B8%D1%82%D1%8C-RM-1035-nokia-130-!#post1082914|here]]) * Download and install the latest [[http://allnokia.ru/soft/moreinfo-111.htm|Nokia Software Recovery Tool]]. The version 6.2.55 worked for me, previous version had problems with up-to-date firmware download. * After you run it, it should suggest to install software version 10.02.11. Complete upgrade. * Recover your contacts from internal SD card. References: * [[4pda>595227&st=60|Обсуждение Nokia 130]] * [[http://www.gsmforum.ru/threads/231889-%CF%F0%EE%F8%F3-%EF%EE%EC%EE%F7%FC-%EF%F0%EE%F8%E8%F2%FC-RM-1035-nokia-130-!?p=1136521#post1136521|Nokia 130 DS как прошить и где?]] * [[http://forum.allnokia.ru/viewtopic.php?t=125842|Nokia 130 DS как прошить и где?]] * ''keepass -uuid:C4CEDC0739BE96458268442CFCE23A3E'' === Does Samsung Galaxy Mini support [[wp>USB_On-The-Go|OTG]]? === From [[http://www.gsmarena.com/samsung_galaxy_s4_mini-review-953p10.php|Samsung Galaxy S4 mini review]]: Unlike the big Galaxy S4, mini lacks [[wp>Mobile High-Definition_Link|MHL]] and [[wp>USB_On-The-Go|USB OTG]] support. There is [[http://www.s4miniarchive.com/2014/01/usb-otg-kernel-for-galaxy-s4-mini-duos-i9192.html|kernel with USB OTG Support for Galaxy S4 mini Duos (GT-I9192)]], but the problem is that phone will not provide power for the connected gadget so you would need to use an external power supply. See also: * [[http://www.gsmarena.com/results.php3?sFreeText=On-the-go|List of phones that support OTG]] * [[habrahabr>333806|Wi-Fi адаптер через OTG]] === How to enable [[wp>USB_On-The-Go|USB On-The-Go]] (OTG) on Android that does not have audio out? === * [[https://source.android.com/devices/audio/usb.html|USB Digital Audio]] * [[http://www.droidforums.net/threads/enable-usb-audio-on-any-android-4-0-device.197454/|Enable USB audio on any Android 4.0 device]] * [[http://www.extreamsd.com/USBAudioRecorderPRO/|USB audio driver in USB Audio Player/Recorder PRO and Audio Evolution Mobile]] === [[http://v-androide.com/instruktsii/podklyuchenie/ispolzovanie-web-kamery.html|How to use smartphone camera on PC via USB?]] === Install [[googleplay>com.dev47apps.droidcam|DroidCam]] and check [[http://www.dev47apps.com/droidcam/connect/|Connect via USB]]. === [[http://www.androidauthority.com/galaxy-s4-screenshot-214736/|How to take a screenshot?]] === * Press and hold the standby key on the right side and the home button //at the same time//. Wait for the border around the screen to flash white. This is the only method that work on mini. * Alternatively enable //Settings -> My device -> Motions and gestures -> Palm motion -> Capture screen// and swipe with whole palm from right to left. To automate screen capturing use ''adb shell screencap -p /extSdCard/screencap.png && adb pull /extSdCard/screencap.png'' References: * [[http://www.androidcentral.com/how-take-screenshot-samsung-galaxy-s4|How to take a screenshot on Samsung Galaxy?]] * [[http://www.pcadvisor.co.uk/how-to/google-android/3446798/how-take-screenshot-on-android-phones/|How to take a screenshot on Android phones?]] === [[http://www.phonearena.com/news/Heres-how-to-record-screen-video-on-Android_id28727|How record the video from Android screen?]] === ''[[http://adbshell.com/commands/adb-shell-screenrecord|adb shell screenrecord /sdcard/file.mp4]]'' === [[https://forums.androidcentral.com/ask-question/881052-how-disable-battery-fully-charged-notifications.html|How to disable "Fully changed" notification?]] === Unset //Settings -> Appls & notifications -> See all apps -> Show system (hidden under ⋮) -> System UI -> Notifications -> Battery//. === Battery statistics reports that GPS is on, but it is off === //Settings -> More -> Battery// shows that GPS is on all the time, however in fact it is off ([[http://forums.androidcentral.com/samsung-galaxy-note-8-0/322421-after-4-2-update-gps-always.html|After 4.2 update GPS is always on]]). Restart your phone. === Google Calendar sync problem: continuously tries to sync and drains battery quickly === From [[googlecode>p/android/issues/detail?id=6107|issue#6107]] and [[http://forums.androidcentral.com/samsung-galaxy-s5/436195-updating-contact-list.html#post4550285|forum]]: Go to //Settings -> More -> Application management -> All -> Calendar storage// and press //Clear data//. The same problem is applicable to Google Contacts synchronization: Go to //Settings -> More -> Application management -> All -> Contacts storage// and press //Clear data//. === How to force Google synchronization? === To force Google synchronization, go to //Settings -> Accounts -> Google// click on email and press //Sync now//. === How to change mail synchronization period? === For default mailer (see [[http://support.bell.ca/Mobility/Smartphones_and_mobile_internet/Samsung-Galaxy-S4.how_to_change_the_email_syncing_frequency_on_my|How to change the email syncing frequency on my Samsung Galaxy S4]]): * Open the mail application * Tap on //Menu// button * Go to //Settings -> [your mail account] -> Sync schedule// and make necessary adjustments. === Is it possible to rename //Camera Uploads// Dropbox synchronization folder? === [[http://webapps.stackexchange.com/questions/27843/how-to-move-dropbox-camera-uploads|Not possible to rename Dropbox "Camera Uploads"]] === Is it possible to merge automatically Google and Skype contacts? === [[http://android.stackexchange.com/questions/6606/merge-skype-and-gmail-contacts|Merging Skype and Google contacts]] should generally be performed manually. === How to set up [[wp>Proxy auto-config|Automatic Proxy Detection]]? === The article [[https://support.itoncloud.com/index.php?/Knowledgebase/Article/View/79/0/how-to-set-up-your-device-to-automatically-detect-proxy|How to set up your device to Automatically Detect Proxy]] says that it is not supported. So use a helper application (requires a rooted device): * [[googleplay>org.proxydroid|ProxyDroid]] (free) :HELP: * [[googleplay>com.mgranja.autoproxy|Autoproxy]] (€1.36) Maybe [[https://developer.chrome.com/extensions/proxy|Chrome]] supports that? === Chrome browser does not use proxy set for WiFi connection === Latest Chrome browser releases come with enabled [[https://developer.chrome.com/multidevice/data-compression|data compression service]] -- a special [[http://www.chromium.org/spdy|SPDY]] proxy setup by Google that compresses contents (also does image rescaling). For Chrome to use proxy server, this should be disabled in //Settings -> Bandwidth management -> Reduce data usage//. === How to view the password for existing WiFi connection? === As passwords are stored in ''wpa_supplicant.conf'' in encrypted form (see [[https://android.stackexchange.com/questions/95923/decrypting-wpa-supplicant-conf-on-samsung-galaxy-mobiles|Decrypting wpa_supplicant.conf]]) one requires root access to decrypt them. Check the following apps: * [[googleplay>be.brunoparmentier.wifikeyshare|WiFiKeyShare]] * [[googleplay>aws.apps.wifiKeyRecovery|WiFi Key Recovery]] === How to stream media to TV / DLNA client? === One need to setup DLNA server on device, for example [[googleplay>com.bubblesoft.android.bubbleupnp|BubbleUPnP]]. See also: * [[http://www.maketecheasier.com/dlna-streaming-apps-android/|5 of the Best DLNA Streaming Apps for Android]] * [[http://blog.dreamcss.com/android/dlna-streaming-apps-for-android/|Top 10 DLNA Streaming Apps For android]] * :NO: [[https://sites.google.com/site/mxvpen/faq#TOC-Can-MX-player-browse-and-play-from-DLNA-contents-|MX Player does not have proper DLNA support]] === Chat messages sent via Hangouts to not get to offline XMPP clients === This is known problem, see [[https://productforums.google.com/forum/#!topic/chat/0nZt-LP0jtc|Not receiving offline chat messages in gTalk which are sent in Hangouts]]. === When I send messages in Cyrillic, the receiver gets only question marks === To fix question marks in outgoing SMS messages, go to //Messenger -> Settings -> Input Mode// and set it to //Unicode//. === Where are my downloaded files? === Open "My Files" app and go to //Device Storage -> Download//. === How to install root CA certificate? === From [[stackoverflow>4461360|How to install trusted CA certificate on Android device?]] and [[https://support.google.com/nexus/answer/2844832|Work with certificates]]: * Put your certificate in DER format and CRT or CER extension to the root of your phone. * Invoke //Settings -> More... -> Security -> Install from device storage//. * Convert PEM encoded certificate to DER: \\ ''openssl x509 -outform der -in certificate.pem -out certificate.der'' * Convert DER encoded certificate to PEM: \\ ''openssl x509 -inform der -in certificate.cer -out certificate.pem'' === My Android powers off by itself === * [[http://www.smartmobilephonesolutions.com/content/android-phone-powers-itself-off|Android phone powers itself off]] * [[http://www.smartmobilephonesolutions.com/content/android-phone-powers-itself-off-and-on|Android phone powers itself off and on]] === How to backup app data or transfer it to another phone? === * [[googleplay>com.sec.android.easyMover|Samsung SmartSwitch]] can only transfer contacts, calendar, memo, app list, call log, SMS, fotos, device settings (i.e. **not app data**). * To backup or restore **app data** you need: * //Rooted phone// * [[googleplay>com.estrongs.android.pop|ES File Explorer File Manager]] (see [[http://www.estrongs.com/eshelp/en/usefullFeatures.htm#_Toc406426536|here]]) * [[googleplay>com.keramidas.TitaniumBackup|Titanium Backup]] (€5.99 for Pro version). * //Non-rooted phone// * ''[[http://forum.xda-developers.com/galaxy-nexus/general/guide-phone-backup-unlock-root-t1420351|adb backup]]'' (see [[http://android.stackexchange.com/q/69567/9109|What all does ADB backup and how do I restore part of it?]]). Check [[http://android.stackexchange.com/questions/28481/|here]] how to extract TAR from AB: \\ ''dd if=backup.ab bs=1 skip=24 | openssl zlib -d > backup.tar'' (skip 24 byte header which is the same for all ab's; see also [[backup#how_to_uncompress_zlib_data|How to uncompress zlib data]]) * [[googleplay>com.koushikdutta.backup|Helium]] -- a wrapper for ''adb backup'' via [[android#how_to_setup_adb|ADB]]. It also supports the rooted mode. It does not backup SMS, use [[googleplay>com.riteshsahu.SMSBackupRestore|SMS Backup & Restore]] (supports SMS/MMS backup/restore) or similar. Also it does not backup applications that prevent backup via the policy ([[googleplay>com.authy.authy|Authy]], [[googleplay>com.here.app.maps|HERE]], [[googleplay>com.innologica.inoreader|Inoreader]], [[googleplay>com.whatsapp|Whatsup]], [[googleplay>com.skype.raider|Skype]] and others). * Wait until [[http://www.talkandroid.com/guides/android-lollipop-guides/copying-apps-from-your-old-phone-or-tablet-to-your-new-phone-or-tablet-with-android-lollipop/|Android Lollipop (5.0) is available on your device]]. Steps for backup: * Fotos & media are easily transferred using any file explorer. * Contacts / calendar / mail / chat is synchronized by Google (normally automatically). * [[googleplay>com.whatsapp|Whatsup]] chat history can be backed up to Google Drive (:WARN: don't forget to press "Backup" button before shutting down the application), [[googleplay>com.skype.raider|Skype]] don't need to be backed up. * [[googleplay>com.authy.authy|Authy]] should be better backed up, but it's more secure to generate new QR-codes. * [[googleplay>com.innologica.inoreader|Inoreader]] retrieves feeds from Google Profile. * Backup/restore SMSes via [[googleplay>com.riteshsahu.SMSBackupRestore|SMS Backup & Restore]], then delete all messages on source device. * Create list of packages: \\ ''%%adb shell "pm list packages -f" | dos2unix | grep "/data/app" | cut -f4,6 -d "=" | sort -u > packages_list.txt%%'' * Create backup for selected packages: \\ ''%%cat packages_list.txt | while read package; do echo "Starting backup of $package..."; adb backup "$package" -f "$package.ab"; sleep 2; done%%'' \\ or for all in one go: \\ ''adb backup -all -apk -f all.ab'' \\ :WARN: Since Android 12 and later asks for password for any ''adb backup'' invocation, it is more simpler to create backup for all packages and then unpack it and create application-specific backup as described [[github>nelenkov/android-backup-extractor#packing-tar-archives|here]]. === How to uninstall unwanted applications from phone? === # removes "Facebook" $ adb shell pm uninstall --user 0 com.facebook.katana # removes Microsoft "OneDrive" $ adb shell pm uninstall --user 0 com.microsoft.skydrive # removes "Link to Windows" $ adb shell pm uninstall --user 0 com.microsoft.appmanager # removes "Google Meet" $ adb shell pm uninstall --user 0 com.google.android.apps.tachyon # removes "Google TV" $ adb shell pm uninstall --user 0 com.google.android.videos # removes "Samsung Internet Browser" $ adb shell pm uninstall --user 0 com.sec.android.app.sbrowser # removes "Dropbox" $ adb shell pm uninstall --user 0 com.dropbox.android === How copy data from damaged Android phone? === * [[4pda>606535&st=0#entry34506895|Включаем отладку по USB]] * [[4pda>214332|FAQ по ClockworkMod recovery (CWM)]] * [[4pda>591994|Извлекаем личные данные с повреждённого/разбитого аппарата]] * [[4pda>591994&st=0#entry33349654|Backup user data to flash]] * [[http://sms-mms-free.ru/phone/service/contacts_copy/HTC|Как отправить, передать с HTC one x desire c desire v sensation и сохранить контакты, номера, данные в телефонную книгу]] === How recover the accidentally deleted data from internal memory on Android phone? === * You need to root your device ([[http://androidmtk.com/root-samsung-galaxy-s4-mini-lte-gt-i9195t|Samsung S4 mini]], [[http://androidmtk.com/root-samsung-galaxy-s5-mini-sm-g800f|Samsung S5 mini]] / [[http://installandroidrom.blogspot.com/2015/07/root-g800fxxu1aog2-android-442-on-galaxy-s5-mini-sm-g800f.html|Root G800FXXU1AOG2 Android 4.4.2 On Galaxy S5 Mini SM-G800F]]). * After that you can dump the internal memory: \\ ''%%adb shell su -c "dd if=/data/media" > sdcard.img%%'' \\ and analyse it with any utility you like (I prefer [[http://alternativeto.net/software/r-studio/|R-Studio]]). === [[https://us.community.samsung.com/t5/Galaxy-S9/why-did-oxygen-saturation-got-removed-from-samsung-health/m-p/699842/highlight/true#M22607|Why did oxygen saturation got removed from Samsung Health?]] === Solution is to install S Health v6.4.0.047. === How to setup [[wp>Android software development|ADB]]? === - Enable USB debug. For that: * Go to //Settings -> General -> About device// and tap on //Build number// seven times. * Press return, and now in //General// there is new item added //Developer options// where one should enable //USB debugging//. - Connect your phone to PC via USB (:WARN: Don't allow/enable MTP mode, just ignore that message). Now there will be unknown device (e.g. ''SAMSUNG_Android'') in the list of other devices. - Call driver properties and on //Details// tab select //Hardware Ids//. - Copy the 2nd device ID (e.g. ''USB\VID_04E8&PID_6860&MI_03'') and add it to ''android_winusb.inf'' two times into two sections (four lines to be inserted) :OPT: or use [[https://raw.githubusercontent.com/koush/UniversalAdbDriver/master/usb_driver/android_winusb.inf|this version]]: [Google.NTx86] %SingleAdbInterface% = USB_Install, USB\VID_04E8&PID_6866 ; Samsung Galaxy S4 Mini %CompositeAdbInterface% = USB_Install, USB\VID_04E8&PID_6866&REV_0228&MI_01 ; Samsung Galaxy S5 Mini %CompositeAdbInterface% = USB_Install, USB\VID_04E8&PID_6866&REV_0226&MI_01 [Google.NTamd64] %SingleAdbInterface% = USB_Install, USB\VID_04E8&PID_6866 ; Samsung Galaxy S4 Mini %CompositeAdbInterface% = USB_Install, USB\VID_04E8&PID_6866&REV_0228&MI_01 ; Samsung Galaxy S5 Mini %CompositeAdbInterface% = USB_Install, USB\VID_04E8&PID_6866&REV_0226&MI_01 - On //General// tab click on //Update driver//, choose //Browse my computer for driver software// and point to ''android_winusb.inf''. After successful installation there will be new device //Android Device -> Android Composite ADB Interface// added, and unknown device (e.g. ''SAMSUNG_Android'') is gone. - Download ''platform-tools_rXXX-windows.zip'' from [[https://developer.android.com/studio/releases/platform-tools|here]]. \\ :INFO: The first time ''adb'' is connected to the phone, there is a confirmation message displayed on the phone screen to allow the application with the given RSA key to connect to device which needs to be accepted. The key is stored locally in ''%USERPROFILE%\.android\''. \\ In command line type ''adb devices'' which should display similar to: D:\Adb> adb devices List of devices attached 5200bb49b0297384 device :HELP: If the phone does not display the dialog to accept the connection / RSA key and above output displays something like ''5200bb49b0297384 unauthorized'', try to change the connection type from "Transferring files" to "Transferring images" in USB Settings, check [[stackoverflowa>26665521/267197|here]] for more info. - Now one can use [[4pda>168212|FARdroid]] plugin for FAR 3.x. Also check [[http://www.clockworkmod.com/carbon/drivers|manufacturer provided ADB drivers]]. {{tag>OCR GPS security DLNA VNC barcode}}