====== Accounting software ====== Some time ago I've come across the [[en>Comparison_of_accounting_software|accounting software comparison]], which has some of the products referred from [[lifehacker>396507/five-best-personal-finance-tools|here]]. Some good product are still missing there (like [[http://www.dervish.ru/cashalpha.php|AbilityCash]]). Mostly I was impressed by [[http://www.grisbi.org/screenshots.en.html|Grisbi]] which is like [[http://apps.sourceforge.net/mediawiki/jgnash/index.php?title=Download_Page|jGnash]] and [[http://gnucash.org/features.phtml|GnuCash]]. What was not satisfactory in this software: * They do not fit completely my requirement * Some of the are too complicated for home use * Some of them have usability gaps: autocompletion is not introduced, error messages are non-informative. [[http://kmymoney2.sourceforge.net/index-home.html|KMyMoney]] pleased me with a vast amount of features, most of which are not necessary for me. As a result in order to make a simple transaction I was lost in many menus and forms. This all brings me to idea that I need to develop something custom. So I am on my way of requirement gathering. Right now I have the following requirements: * Accounts should be organized in trees. Account tree can be one of types (income -> [giro bank account, salary, credit card account, cash], expenses -> [credit interest, food, fuel, apartment -> [rent, electricity, heating, drink water]]) * Categories should be organized in trees. You can have as many category trees, as you wish (income -> [won in casino, found on the street], expenses -> [travel to London, visit of parents]) * Each transaction should be associated with one source and one destination account * Each transaction might be optionally associated with one or more categories * Each transaction is given in any currency * When transaction is added, autocompletion should be enabled * Inline editing of transactions (table with editable cells) * Slitted transactions (composed of two or more simple transactions) * Special "currencies" support (such as liter, kg, etc) * Mini-calculator for amount entry (one can enter simple mathematical expressions) * Budget planning (warning a user, if he has exceeded the limit) * Should be Web application, compatible with most browsers * Multi-user support * Reports (multi-dimensional: period, account, category) * Import/export to CSV, ... Implementation details draft: - [[http://developer.yahoo.com/yui/|YUI]] on client side - Apache, Perl (HTML::Template, FastCGI, JSON), MySQL (innodb) on server side or - [[http://gwt-ext.com/|GWT]] on client side - Tomcat on server side GnuCash drawbacks to be solved: * No multiple categories support * Very dummy possibility to re-order transactions (simple up/down arrow is needed, no "index" column) * Update several transactions at once * Non-intuitive way to customize reports (I was not able to create a new one) * Not web-based, one cannot access the data without a special software The major features of AbilityCash: * Accounts are organized as a tree * Categories (which are called attributes) are present * Three transaction types (income [single transaction], outcome [single transaction], transaction [involves two accounts]) * Special currencies, like fuel (plus ability to synchronize with internet) * Changing several transactions at once * Budget planning * Possibility to customize default open tabs for commonly used account/attribute combinations * Repeating and planned transactions * Reports * Export/import to/from Excel What AbilityCash lacks: * In-table editing * No autocompletion ===== Misc ===== * [[http://www.dervish.ru/cashalpha.php|AbilityCash]] * [[http://www.grisbi.org/screenshots.en.html|Grisbi]], [[http://apps.sourceforge.net/mediawiki/jgnash/index.php?title=Download_Page|jGnash]] * [[http://kmymoney2.sourceforge.net/index-home.html|KMyMoney]] * [[http://gnucash.org/features.phtml|GnuCash]](([[sourceforgefiles>192&package_id=202|Available for Windows]])) * [[http://www.ashep.org/?s=gnucash|Blog by ashep]] * [[http://www.keepsoft.ru/homebuh.htm|Домашняя бухгалтерия]] * [[habrahabr>106432|Домашняя бухгалтерия онлайн]] (см. [[habrahabr>106432|эту статью]]) * [[http://www.kraynov.com/2009/12/15/8-reasons-not-to-waste-time-on-accounting/|8 причин, почему вы тратите впустую время на системы учёта трат]] * [[http://www.4konverta.com/blog/|Финансовое планирование и семейный бюджет по методу "4 Конверта"]] * [[https://www.creditcard.nl/compare|Compare Dutch credit cards]] * [[https://www.amsterdamtips.com/credit-cards-netherlands|Credit Cards in the Netherlands]]