====== Google Maps plugin for DikuWiki ====== ===== Download and Installation ===== Download the package from {{google-2016-09-20.tar.bz2|here}} and unpack it to your dokuwiki installation e.g. to ''wiki/lib/plugins/''. ===== Description & Requirements ===== Plugin allows to embed Google map frames to the page or create external links to Google Maps service. Useful when listing addresses. Works with any browser, where [[http://maps.google.com|Google Maps]] works. ===== Syntax ===== Complete list of all possible options: ''%%{{googlemaps>address1;address2;address3[zoom=16,width=800,height=600,size=small,control=hierarchical,overviewmap=true,type=embedded]|alternative text}}%%'' Google maps plugin can generate google maps in embedded frame (when **type=embedded**) or as link to google maps (when **type** is not set //(default)//). Alternative text may include any other inline formatting supported by dokuwiki, and is rendered only for **default type** (if one specify alternative text then this type is forced, as there is no opportunity to render it in **embedded** mode). If **alternative text** is skipped then **address** is used as a link text. **embedded type** supports several addresses to be marked on Google Maps (only first address will be used in **default type**). It is advised not to specify **zoom** in this case, which will be set automatically to optimal value to display all address markers on the map. ==== Parameters ==== ^ Parameter name ^ Possible valid values ^ | **zoom** | number from 1 to 19 which specifies the initial zoom; if not defined, then it is set to optimal value | | **width** | size in px -- the width of embedded frame (overrides the default parameter value) | | **height** | size in px -- the height of embedded frame (overrides the default parameter value) | | **size** | **small** //(default)// -- generate small size window with limited set of controls \\ **large** -- generate large size window with all controls \\ The sizes for the frames are taken from **%%small_*%%** and **%%large_*%%** parameters below. | | **control** | **hierarchical** //(default)// -- show two buttons in top-right corner: "Map" and "Satellite" \\ **all** -- show three buttons: "Map", "Satellite" and "Hybrid" \\ **none** -- show no buttons | | **overviewmap** | **true** //(default)// -- show the link to overview map in right-bottom corner \\ **false** -- do not show overview map | | **type** | **unset** //(default)// -- render the link to google maps \\ **embedded** -- render embedded frame with google maps | ==== Default options ==== ^ Parameter name ^ Possible valid values ^ | **google_api_key** | Valid Google API key for the current site. See [[#configuration|below]] for more details about how to generate it. | | **small_width** | //(default is **425**)// size in px -- the width of small frame, if **size=small** was specified | | **small_height** | //(default is **350**)// size in px -- the height of small frame, if **size=small** was specified | | **large_width** | //(default is **550**)// size in px -- the width of large frame, if **size=large** was specified | | **large_height** | //(default is **450**)// size in px -- the height of large frame, if **size=large** was specified | ===== Demonstration ===== The following wiki-code {{googlemaps>Gomel, Belarus|I was ''born'' here}}. I lived here: {{googlemaps>Tuinstraat 23, Delft, NL[type=embedded]}} produces the following result: {{google_maps_sample.png|The sample result of plugin's output}} You may try in [[wiki:playground]]. ===== Configuration ===== Important is to register your site at Google to receive an access to Google services. Registration is free: * Register your website [[googlecode>apis/maps/signup.html|here]] and receive you unique Google API key. * Modify the configuration file and put a newly generated key to **google_api_key**. ===== Documentation ===== * Plugin uses the JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) technique (described in [[http://www.xml.com/pub/a/2005/12/21/json-dynamic-script-tag.html?|JSON and the Dynamic Script Tag: Easy, XML-less Web Services for JavaScript]]) to access [[http://www.geonames.org/export/ws-overview.html|GeoNames WebServices]]. Examples: * [[http://www.geonames.org/maps/json-googlemaps-example.html|Example of GoogleMaps and GeoNames interaction]] with use of JSON technique * [[http://www.ewebsite.biz/modules.php?name=gMap2|Example of GoogleMaps]] when JS code is server-side generated * [[http://developer.yahoo.com/maps/rest/V1/geocode.html|Yahoo Maps WS]]. Example: * [[http://theurer.cc/code/devx/mapProxy.html|Example of and Yahoo Maps interaction]], which uses full-blown AJAX ''XMLHttpRequest'' technique * [[googlecode>apis/maps/documentation/services.html|Google Geocoder]]. Example: * [[googlecode>apis/maps/documentation/examples/geocoding-extraction.html|extended data access]] * See also [[googlecode>apis/maps/documentation/reference.html#GMap2|GMap2]] and [[googlecode>apis/maps/documentation/reference.html#GClientGeocoder|GClientGeocoder]] API reference ===== Source ===== ==== syntax/maps.php ==== */ if(!defined('DOKU_INC')) die(); if(!defined('DOKU_PLUGIN')) define('DOKU_PLUGIN',DOKU_INC.'lib/plugins/'); require_once(DOKU_PLUGIN.'syntax.php'); /** * All DokuWiki plugins to extend the parser/rendering mechanism * need to inherit from this class */ class syntax_plugin_google_maps extends DokuWiki_Syntax_Plugin { private $RE_NON_SYNTAX_SEQ = '[^\[\]{}|]+'; private $RE_PLUGIN_BODY; function syntax_plugin_google_maps() { $this->RE_PLUGIN_BODY = $this->RE_NON_SYNTAX_SEQ . '(?:\\[' . $this->RE_NON_SYNTAX_SEQ . '\\])?'; } function getInfo() { return array( 'author' => 'Dmitry Katsubo', 'email' => 'dma_k@mail.ru', 'date' => '2016-09-20', 'name' => 'Google Maps Plugin', 'desc' => 'Adds a Google Maps frame syntax: {{googlemaps>address1;address2;address3[zoom=16,size=small,control=hierarchical,overviewmap=true,width=800,height=600,type=embedded]|alternative text}}', 'url' => 'http://centurion.dynalias.com/wiki/plugin/google_maps', ); } function getAllowedTypes() { return array('formatting'); } function getType() { return 'substition'; } function getSort() { return 159; } function connectTo($mode) { $this->Lexer->addSpecialPattern('{{googlemaps>' . $this->RE_PLUGIN_BODY . '}}', $mode, 'plugin_google_maps'); $this->Lexer->addEntryPattern('{{googlemaps>' . $this->RE_PLUGIN_BODY . '\|(?=' . $this->RE_NON_SYNTAX_SEQ . '}})', $mode, 'plugin_google_maps'); } function postConnect() { $this->Lexer->addExitPattern('}}', 'plugin_google_maps'); } private function getConfigValue($options, $option_name, $config_prefix = null) { // Also escape HTML to protect the page: return(htmlspecialchars( isset($options[$option_name]) ? $options[$option_name] : $this->getConf($config_prefix . $option_name) )); } function handle($match, $state, $pos, Doku_Handler $handler) { switch ($state) { case DOKU_LEXER_SPECIAL: case DOKU_LEXER_ENTER: $matches = array(); if (!preg_match('/{{googlemaps>(' . $this->RE_NON_SYNTAX_SEQ . ')(?:\\[(' . $this->RE_NON_SYNTAX_SEQ . ')\\])?/', $match, $matches)) { return array(''); // this is an error } $options = array(); if (isset($matches[2])) { $entries = explode(',', $matches[2]); foreach ($entries as $entry) { $key_value = explode('=', $entry); $options[trim($key_value[0])] = trim($key_value[1]); } } return array($state, array($matches[1], &$options)); } return array($state, $match); } function render($mode, Doku_Renderer $renderer, $data) { if ($mode == 'xhtml') { list($state, $match) = $data; switch($state) { case DOKU_LEXER_SPECIAL: case DOKU_LEXER_ENTER: list($text, $options) = $match; // All locations are in this array: $locations = array(); $i = 0; foreach (explode(";", $text) as $q) { $q = trim($q); if (strlen($q)) { $locations[$i++] = htmlspecialchars(html_entity_decode($q)); } } // This type is available only in DOKU_LEXER_SPECIAL state: if ($state == DOKU_LEXER_SPECIAL && $options['type'] == 'embedded') { // Dynamic injection of this script via JS causes FF to hang, so we have to include it for each map: $renderer->doc .= "\n"; // Default values: $size = $this->getConfigValue($options, 'size'); $width = $this->getConfigValue($options, 'width', $size . '_') . "px"; $height = $this->getConfigValue($options, 'height', $size . '_') . "px"; // Embedded div: $renderer->doc .= "\n
$q) { $renderer->doc .= " location$i='$q'"; } // Copy values into attributes: foreach (array('size', 'control', 'overviewmap', 'zoom') as $attr_name) { $attr_value = $this->getConfigValue($options, $attr_name); if (strlen($attr_value)) { $renderer->doc .= ' ' . $attr_name . '="' . $attr_value . '"'; } } // Important to leave one hanging node inside
, otherwise maps start overlappig. $renderer->doc .= '>
'; return true; } // If we are here it means: // * state == DOKU_LEXER_SPECIAL and type != embedded ==> we render a link with a text equal to address, as there is no alternative text in this state // * state == DOKU_LEXER_ENTER and type != embedded ==> we start rendering a link; the alternative text will be rendered by dokuwiki renderer and may include any formatting // * state == DOKU_LEXER_ENTER and type == embedded ==> the is unsupported combination, but we render a link the same as with type != embedded // Concat params: $params = '&'; // If not defined, Google Maps engine will automatically select the best zoom: if ($options['zoom']) { $params .= "z=" . $options['zoom']; } // Query is already escaped, params are taken from options: $url = "//maps.google.com/maps?q=$locations[0]$params"; // External link: $renderer->doc .= ""; if ($state == DOKU_LEXER_SPECIAL) { $renderer->doc .= "$text"; } return true; case DOKU_LEXER_UNMATCHED: $renderer->doc .= $renderer->_xmlEntities($match); return true; case DOKU_LEXER_EXIT: $renderer->doc .= ''; return true; default: //$renderer->doc .= "
Cannot handle mode $style
"; } } return false; } } ?>
==== script.js ==== /** * Plugin google_maps: Generates embedded Google Maps frame or link to Google Maps. * * @license GPLv2 (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html) * @author Dmitry Katsubo */ (function() { // Globals: var GMAPS_MAX_RETRY_COUNT = 5; var GMAPS_RETRY_DELAY = 100; var GMAPS_MAX_GEO_RESULTS = 1; var GMAPS_GEOCODER = null; /* * This function creates a new marker with a given HTML shown when a marker is clicked. */ function createMarker(point, desc) { var marker = new GMarker(point); // Note: Without wrapping into a function, listeners are added to the same objects! GEvent.addListener(marker, "click", function() { marker.openInfoWindowHtml(desc); }); return marker; } /* * This recursive function sends an ansynchronous query to Google GeoCoder and marks results on the map. */ function queryGoogleGeo(map, bounds, locations, index, zoom, retry) { if (GMAPS_GEOCODER == null) { // Can be initialized only at this point, as Google libraries should have been included: GMAPS_GEOCODER = new GClientGeocoder(); } GMAPS_GEOCODER.getLocations(locations[index], function generateMarkersFromGoogleGeoResult(response) { // Was not able to locate any data: if (response == null) { alert("No response from GeoCoder for location " + locations[index] + ". Giving up."); return; } else if (response.Status.code == 602) { if (retry++ >= GMAPS_MAX_RETRY_COUNT) { alert("The maximum amount of retries (" + GMAPS_MAX_RETRY_COUNT + ") has been reached for location " + locations[index] + ". Giving up."); return; } setTimeout(queryGoogleGeo, GMAPS_RETRY_DELAY, map, bounds, locations, index, zoom, retry); return; } else if (response.Status.code != 200) { alert("Invalid response code (" + response.Status.code + ") from GeoCoder for location " + locations[index] + ". Giving up."); return; } var places = response.Placemark; for (var i = 0; i < places.length && i < GMAPS_MAX_GEO_RESULTS; i++) { var place = places[i]; var point = new GLatLng(place.Point.coordinates[1], place.Point.coordinates[0]); bounds.extend(point); map.addOverlay(createMarker(point, '
' + place.address + '
' + place.AddressDetails.Country.CountryNameCode )); } if (index == locations.length - 1) { if (zoom == null) { if (!bounds.isEmpty()) { // We select the best zoom for the boundary: zoom = map.getBoundsZoomLevel(bounds); } } else { // zoom is required to be an integer: zoom = parseInt(zoom); } map.setCenter(bounds.getCenter(), zoom); } else { // Query recuresively other locations: queryGoogleGeo(map, bounds, locations, index + 1, zoom, retry); } }); } /** * Initialisation function. Creates Gmap objects and loads Geo information. */ function loadMaps() { jQuery('div.gmaps_frame').each(function() { var attrs = this.attributes; // Create a map: var map = new GMap2(this); map.setCenter(new GLatLng(34, 0), 1); // default point // left-top navigator and zoomer if (attrs.size.value == 'small') map.addControl(new GSmallMapControl()); else if (attrs.size.value == 'large') map.addControl(new GLargeMapControl()); // right-top map type switch buttons if (attrs.control.value == 'hierarchical') map.addControl(new GHierarchicalMapTypeControl()); else if (attrs.control.value == 'all') map.addControl(new GMapTypeControl()); // mini-map in the bottom-right corner if (attrs.overviewmap.value == 'true') { var overviewMap = new GOverviewMapControl(); map.addControl(overviewMap); overviewMap.hide(); } map.enableScrollWheelZoom(); var locations = new Array(); var n = 0; while (true) { if (attrs['location' + n] == null) { break; } locations[n] = attrs['location' + n].value; n++; } queryGoogleGeo(map, new GLatLngBounds(), locations, 0, attrs.zoom == null ? null : attrs.zoom.value, 0); }); } // A special Wiki-wide function, defined in lib/scripts/events.js: jQuery(loadMaps); })();
==== style.css ==== a.gmaps_link { background: transparent url(gmaps_link.png) no-repeat left center; /* "top" does not look nicely in headers; "center" creates artifacts when link is split into several lines */ padding: 1px 0px 1px 12px; } div.gmaps_frame { border: 1px solid __border__; } div.gmaps_marker { font-size: 90%; } The latest source code can be taken from [[https://github.com/dmak/dokuwiki/tree/master/lib/plugins/google|Github]]. ===== Release History ===== * 2008-03-17 (r05) --- Initial version. * {{google_maps-2008-04-12.tar.bz2|2008-04-12}} * {{google_maps-2008-10-03.tar.bz2|2008-10-03 (r47)}} --- Plugin was refactored to allow formatting in comment. Also aligned in compliance with common practices how to process the flow. * {{google-2010-10-15.tar.bz2|2010-10-15 (r205)}} --- Three google-related plugins are merged into one bundle. Multiple addresses support was added. * {{google-2016-09-20.tar.bz2|2016-09-20}} --- HTTPS fix. API adapted for "Elenor of Tsort" DokuWiki release. ===== Bugs and ToDo ===== Tested with IE v11, FF v42 for Windows, Chrome 53.0.2785.116 for Windows, Chrome 53.0.2785.124 for Android. No bugs at the moment. There is nothing right now in my ToDo list. Please, add comment to [[https://www.dokuwiki.org/plugin:google_maps|DokuWiki]].