===== Как купить авто в Нидерландах ===== ==== Online ==== | [[http://www.broekhuis-autos.nl/|сайт битых машин]] | [[http://www.motorhuis.nl/occasions/|Het Motorhuis]] -- Opel, Citroen, Kia, Chevrolet, Saab, Cadillac, Fiat, Lancia, Corvette, Daewoo | | [[http://www.autotelegraf.nl/|AutoTelegraf.nl]] | [[http://www.impala.nl/|Impala Auto's B.V.]] | | [[http://www.autotrack.nl/|AutoTrack.nl]] | [[http://www.laakhavenautomobielen.nl/|Laakhaven Automobielen]] | | [[http://www.autotrader.nl/|Auto Trader]] | [[http://www.louwman-denhaag.nl/asp/appmain.asp?appactie=occssearch&functietype=1&gropcd=denhaag-portaal|Louwman Den Haag]] | | [[http://www.ardeaauto.nl/|Ardea Auto -- Ford dealer]] | [[http://kopen.marktplaats.nl/auto-s/c91.html|Marktplaats]] (см. авто раздел) | | [[http://www.giva.chrysler.nl/web/show|GIVA -- official dealer of Chrysler, Jeep & Dodge]] | [[http://www.mazeland.nl/|Mazeland Automotive]] | | [[http://www.autoweek.nl/|AutoWeek]] | [[http://www.neherdemos.nl/aanbod.htm|MEGACARS NEHER deMOS]] | | [[http://www.autohaagzeeuw.nl/WHEELERDELTA/ahz_occasions.html|Autohaag Zeeuw]] | [[http://www.de-residentie.nl/|Multi-Merk dealer De Residentie]] -- KIA, Subaru, Daihatsu, Lada and Bovag | | [[http://www.chevrolet.nl/|Chevrolet.nl]] | [[http://www.duidelijkdavo.nl/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=3&Itemid=1|Peugeot Davo]] | | [[http://www.carsforexport.nl/|Haverkamp Auto's]] | [[http://www.redenburg.nl/|Redenburg]] | | [[http://www.hyundai.nl/|Hyundai.nl]] | [[http://www.suzuki.nl/|Suzuki.nl]] | | [[http://www.vaartland.nl/|Vaartland occasions]] | [[http://haagscheoccasiondagen.nl/|Haagsche Occasiondagen]] | | [[http://www.gaspedaal.nl/|GasPedaal]] | [[http://zomoto.nl|Zomoto]] | | [[http://automarktutrecht.eu/ru/home/|Авторынок в Утрехте]] (работает по вторникам с 06:00) | [[https://www.schadeautos.nl/|Schade-auto's, demontage-auto's, auto-onderdelen & occasions]] | В AutoHouse узнав цену спросить заложена ли туда kosten rijklaarmaken -- около 400-500 (нам не нужен, и если он есть в цене -- просить убрать). Спросить [[wpnl>APK]] (техосмотр) обязательно, так как может быть истекший... делают за день-два, стоит 50 евро, берут залог. [[http://www.anwb.nl/auto/koop-en-verkoop/auto-kopen,/aankoopkeuring---totaalkeuring.html|Полный техосмотр]] стоит ~€150, но он того стоит :) На [[https://ovi.rdw.nl/|RDW.nl]] можно пробить по номерам инфу (год, дата последней продажи, до какого действителен техосмотр). Можно взять на тест драйв машину (цену лучше окончательную до тест драйва не устаканивать и после тест-драйва скидывать). Если в AutoHouse покупать или у частника, то в [[http://www.vwe.nl/Diensten-Producten/Export/Locaties/Servicepunten/GWK.aspx|VWE ]] / [[http://www.travelex.com/nl/personal/carexport.asp?lang=ENG|GWK]] / [[http://www.vwe.nl/Diensten-Producten/Export/Locaties/Exportpartners.aspx|через партнёра]] можно оформить машину на экспорт в одном месте, а не бегать в 10 мест. Они сделают и номер транзитный (номерные знаки белые), и страховку, и что там ещё надо... хотя можно сделать все самому обежав 3-4 места и в сумме чуть дешевле... Если брать в Утрехте на базаре, то там оформляется всё на месте. Иначе покупка оформляется на почте (как именно?), ещё нужна страховка и номера. * [[https://www.athlon.com/nl/nl-nl/prive/leasen/privelease/kopen-of-leasen|Купить или взять в лизинг?]] ==== Importing a car ==== * [[http://douane.nl/download/169.html|Application for exemption permit for migrants (Aanvraag Vergunning vrijstelling voor verhuisgoederen)]] * [[https://www.belastingdienst.nl/wps/wcm/connect/nl/auto-en-vervoer/content/motorrijtuigenbelasting-bpm-hoeveel-bpm-betaal-ik|Private motor vehicle and motorcycle tax (BPM) / importing a car]] * [[http://nos.nl/artikel/2037260-wiebes-gaat-bpm-vanaf-2017-in-fasen-afschaffen.html|BPM vanaf 2017 is gedaald]] * [[https://www.rdw.nl/particulier/voertuigen/auto/invoeren-exporteren-doorvoeren/invoeren-binnen-eu|Auto invoeren vanuit EU/ EVA land]] * [[https://www.rdw.nl/particulier/voertuigen/auto/keuren/de-keuring-bij-het-rdw-keuringsstation|De keuring bij het RDW-keuringsstation]] === Importing a car from USA === * [[https://www.carfax.eu/article/car-transport-to-europe.html|Transporting US cars to Europe]] * [[https://www.carfax.eu/article/customs-clearance-and-import-tax-usa.html|Customs clearance & import tax US cars]] * [[https://www.quora.com/Can-I-buy-a-new-car-in-the-US-as-a-tourist-and-export-it-to-my-home-country|Can I buy a new car in the US as a tourist and export it to my home country? - Quora]] ==== Documents for export (from [[http://www.vwe.nl/|VWE]]) ==== For export you need: - original registration certificate part IA, IB and II (with an old model registration certificate you need part I, II (or IB) and transfer proof/copy part III); - the correct number plates which belong to the vehicle - valid identification papers - the person mentioned on the identification papers. At the application for an export you can indicate if you want to use the public road or if you want the vehicle transported on a trailer. If you want to use the public road, you need an export registration number and an insurance. The application of an export registration number is only possible when the vehicle posses a valid MOT (Ministry Of Transport test, called [[wpnl>APK]] in Dutch). The RDW delivers the export registration signs directly after a valid export application. The export registration signs and the insurance are valid for 14 days, unless the MOT expires beforehand. Goods that are being exported outside the European Union need a declaration for export which must be done at the customs authorities. You can arrange this with a Single Administrative Document (EX.A). This document must be stamped by the customs authorities when you leave the European Union. And you must bring the vehicle with you and we need the invoice of the car. You can get the required documents, insurances and number plates, against a payment, at the VWE office in Schiedam. For complete directions, address information and opening hours, you can have a look at our website [[http://www.vwe.nl]]. Other documents like Declaration type of approval data are also available at VWE. Our Service Centre would gladly give you any advice you need. You can contact us at +31(0)72 - 576 7000. ==== Оформление документов при пересечении таможни ==== На таможне вам необходимо пройти (в различных окошках): - паспортный контроль - таможенный осмотр - регистрацию транспортного средства и заплатить таможенную пошлину Паспортный контроль проходится быстро и непринуждённо. При таможенном осмотре работник таможни производит сверку: - Регистрационных номеров транспортного средства - Номера двигателя (табличка под капотом) - Номера кузова (обычно под половичком на передних сидениях) - Дату выпуска (на стёклах в нижней части) При регистрации транспортного средства необходимо предъявить: - Договор купли-продажи - Паспорт транспортного средства (Fahrzeugbrief)((дополнительно смотри [[http://www.germany-auto.ru/art/009.html|тут]])) - Техпаспорт (Fahrzeugschein) - Декларация (??) Работник таможни производит осмотр транспортного средства для выявления товаров, подлежащих таможенному обложению. Таможенному обложению подвергаются все запчасти, в том числе и сменный (зимний) набор резины. После этого необходимо заплатить таможенную пошлину и получить временную регистрацию (временный сертификат) транспортного средства, который действителен 1 неделю. С этой временной регистрацией нужно прийти в ГАИ, где проводят сверку номеров и кузова, забирают транзитные номера и временную регистрацию и выдают новые. ===== Как купить авто в Германии ===== * [[http://auto.tut.by/news/offtop/416126.html|Немцы назвали самые надёжные и ненадёжные подержанные автомобили]] * [[http://auto.tut.by/news/offtop/417252.html|20 любимых подержанных авто из Германии: все достоинства и недостатки]] * [[http://auto.tut.by/news/exclusive/418101.html|"Вторичка". Mazda Xedos 6: чего ждать от подержанного "японца" за пять тысяч долларов]] * [[http://auto.tut.by/news/offtop/408145.html|Обзор самых экономичных автомобилей в мире: расход топлива - от 2 литров на "сотню"]] * [[charter97>2014/11/21/127233|Белорусы рванули в Россию за иномарками]] ==== Поиск online ==== * [[http://www.autoscout24.de/]] * [[http://www.mobile.de/home/index.html?lang=en]] * [[http://www.autobild.de/]] * [[http://www.automaerkte-deutschland.de/Automaerkte.html|автомобильные рынки в Германии]] Имеет смысл запланировать посещение сразу нескольких рынков за один заход. Например, сначала посетить рынок в Кёльне, который работает каждую субботу с 08.00 до 16.00, и если там ничего не подвернулось, то заехать на рынок в Берлине, который работает по воскресеньям с 08.00 to 16.00. Автосервисы для проверки авто: * [[http://www.tuev-sued.de/car_vehicles/services]] * [[http://www.dekra.com/]] Обычно не работают по выходным дням. ===== Что нужно проверить в авто ([[http://news.japancar.ru/jc/view/news/N3979.html|1]], [[http://ivanzaburdaev.narod.ru/byecar.html|2]]) ===== * двигатель: расход на 100 км должен быть 6-8 л. в городе, 4.7-5.3 л. за городом * работает ли ручник и тормозная система * зазоры между дверей должны быть одинаковые, иначе двери меняли * посмотреть, не проржавел ли кузов (приподнять половик) и арки над колёсами * компрессия в двигателе (можно узнать на СТО) * иммобилайзер должен иметь два ключа * высота протектора шины (минимум 1.6мм) допустима к использованию ([[youtube>M5zbT2EbXhQ|как определить высоту протектора шин не имея измерительный инструмент]], [[youtube>twsetieSIJU|Чем опасны полустертые шины? Как выбрать новую летнюю резину?]]), шины смонтироаны правильно (либо согласно направлению вращения для направленных шин, либо согласно внешней метке для ассиметричных шин) ===== Auto rent ===== * [[http://www.bo-rent.nl/]] -- прокат грузовых автомобилей (от €35 в день) * [[https://www.greenwheels.com/nl/]] Please check: - Damages on the car are written down on your contract. Do not forget to take your copy of the contract! - Where the spare tire and necessary tools for changing wheels are. - If you have local currency (for tolls etc). Not all petrol stations accept credit cards. - You must find out exactly where to return the car when the rental is over. - Check what kind of fuel the car needs. Diesel or petrol? Euro 95 or super? - Ask what you have to do in case of accident/damage. At some destinations it is necessary to make a police report even for the smallest damage. ===== Driving rules ===== * [[http://auto.tut.by/news/exclusive/445769.html|Если сбил. Адвокат о том, что ждёт водителя, совершившего тяжёлый наезд на пешехода]] * [[http://www.pravo.by/WEBNPA/text.asp?RN=Hk0300194#&Chapter=6&Article=6.5|Кодекс Республики Беларусь об административных правонарушениях, статья 6.5, пункт 6]]: \\ //Если физическое лицо признало себя виновным в совершении административного правонарушения и выразило согласие на применение к нему административного взыскания и возмещение вреда, при наложении штрафа на физическое лицо применяется нижний предел штрафа, предусмотренный за совершенное правонарушение// * [[http://60.by/ru/content/master/|Образовательный проект "Правильный водитель"]] * [[lifehackeru>2014/06/23/parking-like-a-sir|Как научиться правильно парковаться]] * [[lifehackeru>2014/10/07/pdd-android|Изучаем ПДД вместе со смартфоном: 5 приложений для Android]] * [[http://www.advocaat-verkeersstrafrecht.nl/straffen-rijden-onder-invloed-van-alcohol-drugs-strafmaat/|Straffen rijden onder invloed van alcohol of drugs]]: Voor rijbewijs langer dan 5 jaar in het bezit: * 0.54-0.80‰ → €300 boet * 1.31-1.50‰ → €650 boet + rijbewijs ingevorderd voor 6 maanden [[http://www.forens-med.ru/tools/alkogol_tablica.php|Таблица вывода алкоголя до 0‰ для мужчины весом 80 кг и ростом 180 см.]] ^ крепость напитка ^ желудок ^ Объем выпитого алкогольного напитка (мл) ^^^^^^^^ ^::: ^::: ^ 50 ^ 100 ^ 150 ^ 200 ^ 300 ^ 500 ^ 1000 ^ 2000 ^ | 5% пиво | пустой | 0.02‰\\ 01:12 | 0.05‰\\ 01:30 | 0.07‰\\ 01:42 | 0.1‰\\ 02:00 | 0.14‰\\ 02:24 | 0.24‰\\ 03:24 | 0.48‰\\ 05:48 | 0.96‰\\ 10:36 | |::: | полный | 0.02‰\\ 02:12 | 0.05‰\\ 02:30 | 0.07‰\\ 02:42 | 0.1‰\\ 03:00 | 0.14‰\\ 03:24 | 0.24‰\\ 04:24 | 0.48‰\\ 06:48 | 0.96‰\\ 11:36 | | 9% коктейль | пустой | 0.04‰\\ 01:24 | 0.09‰\\ 01:54 | 0.13‰\\ 02:18 | 0.17‰\\ 02:42 | 0.26‰\\ 03:36 | 0.43‰\\ 05:18 | 0.87‰\\ 09:42 | 1.73‰\\ 18:18 | |::: | полный | 0.04‰\\ 02:24 | 0.09‰\\ 02:54 | 0.13‰\\ 03:18 | 0.17‰\\ 03:42 | 0.26‰\\ 04:36 | 0.43‰\\ 06:18 | 0.87‰\\ 10:42 | 1.73‰\\ 19:18 | | 11% вино игристое | пустой | 0.06‰\\ 01:36 | 0.12‰\\ 02:12 | 0.18‰\\ 02:48 | 0.24‰\\ 03:24 | 0.36‰\\ 04:36 | 0.6‰\\ 07:00 | 1.21‰\\ 13:06 | 2.42‰\\ 25:12 | |::: | полный | 0.05‰\\ 02:30 | 0.11‰\\ 03:06 | 0.16‰\\ 03:36 | 0.21‰\\ 04:06 | 0.32‰\\ 05:12 | 0.53‰\\ 07:18 | 1.06‰\\ 12:36 | 2.11‰\\ 23:06 | | 18% креплёное вино | пустой | 0.1‰\\ 02:00 | 0.2‰\\ 03:00 | 0.3‰\\ 04:00 | 0.4‰\\ 05:00 | 0.59‰\\ 06:54 | 0.99‰\\ 10:54 | 1.98‰\\ 20:48 | 3.96‰\\ 40:36 | |::: | полный | 0.09‰\\ 02:54 | 0.17‰\\ 03:42 | 0.26‰\\ 04:36 | 0.35‰\\ 05:30 | 0.52‰\\ 07:12 | 0.87‰\\ 10:42 | 1.73‰\\ 19:18 | 3.46‰\\ 36:36 | | 24% настойка | пустой | 0.13‰\\ 02:18 | 0.26‰\\ 03:36 | 0.4‰\\ 05:00 | 0.53‰\\ 06:18 | 0.79‰\\ 08:54 | 1.32‰\\ 14:12 | 2.64‰\\ 27:24 | 5.27‰\\ 53:42 | |::: | полный | 0.12‰\\ 03:12 | 0.23‰\\ 04:18 | 0.35‰\\ 05:30 | 0.46‰\\ 06:36 | 0.69‰\\ 08:54 | 1.15‰\\ 13:30 | 2.31‰\\ 25:06 | 4.61‰\\ 48:06 | | 30% ликёр | пустой | 0.19‰\\ 02:54 | 0.37‰\\ 04:42 | 0.56‰\\ 06:36 | 0.74‰\\ 08:24 | 1.11‰\\ 12:06 | 1.85‰\\ 19:30 | 3.71‰\\ 38:06 | 7.42‰\\ 75:12 | |::: | полный | 0.14‰\\ 03:24 | 0.29‰\\ 04:54 | 0.43‰\\ 06:18 | 0.58‰\\ 07:48 | 0.87‰\\ 10:42 | 1.44‰\\ 16:24 | 2.88‰\\ 30:48 | 5.77‰\\ 59:42 | | 40% водка | пустой | 0.25‰\\ 03:30 | 0.49‰\\ 05:54 | 0.74‰\\ 08:24 | 0.99‰\\ 10:54 | 1.48‰\\ 15:48 | 2.47‰\\ 25:42 | 4.94‰\\ 50:24 | 9.89‰\\ 99:54 | |::: | полный | 0.19‰\\ 03:54 | 0.38‰\\ 05:48 | 0.58‰\\ 07:48 | 0.77‰\\ 09:42 | 1.15‰\\ 13:30 | 1.92‰\\ 21:12 | 3.85‰\\ 40:30 | 7.69‰\\ 78:54 | | 43% бренди | пустой | 0.27‰\\ 03:42 | 0.53‰\\ 06:18 | 0.8‰\\ 09:00 | 1.06‰\\ 11:36 | 1.59‰\\ 16:54 | 2.66‰\\ 27:36 | 5.31‰\\ 54:06 | 0.63‰\\ 107:18 | |::: | полный | 0.21‰\\ 04:06 | 0.41‰\\ 06:06 | 0.62‰\\ 08:12 | 0.83‰\\ 10:18 | 1.24‰\\ 14:24 | 2.07‰\\ 22:42 | 4.13‰\\ 43:18 | 8.27‰\\ 84:42 | | 70% абсент | пустой | 0.43‰\\ 05:18 | 0.87‰\\ 09:42 | 1.3‰\\ 14:00 | 1.73‰\\ 18:18 | 2.6‰\\ 27:00 | 4.33‰\\ 44:18 | 8.65‰\\ 87:30 | 7.3‰\\ 174:00 | |::: | полный | 0.34‰\\ 05:24 | 0.67‰\\ 08:42 | 1.01‰\\ 12:06 | 1.35‰\\ 15:30 | 2.02‰\\ 22:12 | 3.36‰\\ 35:36 | 6.73‰\\ 69:18 | 3.46‰\\ 136:36 | [[https://www.politie.nl/themas/bevoegdheden-politie.html#alinea-title-van-welke-verkeersregels-mag-de-politie-afwijken|Police in NL may violate traffic regulations without a siren]], in particular: * [[https://www.infopolitie.nl/index.php/treasurechest/132-schatkist-verkeer/1163-politievrijstelling-verkeerszaken|speed limitations]] * continue at a red traffic light * drive over the emergency lane * driving in places where others are not allowed such as a tramway, bus lane and sidewalk * overtaking on a solid line * parking or standing still where this is forbidden for others In addition, there are conditions attached to the exemption: * road safety must not be endangered * the use of the exemption is necessary in view of the situation * the regulations of the [[https://www.ifv.nl/kennisplein/Documents/20190220-Politie-Brancherichtlijn-Politie-2018.pdf|Traffic Police Directive]] are complied with, in particular, the roadway must be ridden with a speed of a maximum of 40 km per hour above the allowed maximum speed ==== Fine ==== * Niet eens met verkeersboete? [[https://verkeer.loket.om.nl/beroep-ovj|Dan kunt u hier in beroep gaan in Mulderzaken]]. Hier zijn [[https://verkeer.loket.om.nl/mijnberoepen|mijn opgeslagen beroepen]]. * [[https://auto-en-vervoer.infonu.nl/auto/123823-verkeersboetes-2018-overzicht-hoogte-bekeuringen.html|Verkeersboetes 2018 - overzicht hoogte bekeuringen]] ===== Parking ===== * [[https://www.prettigparkeren.nl/kaart/#!Den_Haag|Parkeren in Den Haag]]: * [[https://www.yellowbrick.nl/|Yellowbrick]] en [[https://www.icscards.nl/ics/aanbiedingen/yellowbrick|ICS extra voordelig]]: * :ADD: U betaalt geen registratiekosten (normaal € 10). * :ADD: Het starten en stoppen van de eerste 10 parkeertransacties is gratis (normaal €0.34 per transactie). U betaalt uiteraard wel het geldende parkeertarief voor de tijd dat u heeft geparkeerd. * :ADD: Na de eerste 10 parkeertransacties, zijn de kosten bij het starten en stoppen €0.27 in plaats van €0.34 (20% korting). * :ADD: U heeft er verder geen omkijken naar; de afrekening vindt direct plaats via uw ICS creditcard. * :DEL: You cannot order Q-Park card, as you are supposed to pay with credit card at Q-Park * [[https://mobielparkeren.wordpress.com/2013/05/09/kosten-yellowbrick-parkmobile-park-line-en-sms-parking-vergeleken/|Check alternatives]]: * [[http://www.park-line.nl/eng/tariffs__app_sms_mobile_garage_parking|Park-Line]]: €2.50 monthly + €0.15 per transaction * [[http://www.parkmobile.nl/tarieven|ParkMobile]]: €0.25 per transaction * [[http://www.anwb.nl/verkeer/nederland/parkeren/anwbparkeren|ANWB]]: €0.25 per transaction * [[https://auto-en-vervoer.infonu.nl/verkeer/124792-boetes-of-bekeuring-bij-fout-parkeren-en-stilstaan-voor-2018.html|Boetes of bekeuring bij fout parkeren en stilstaan voor 2018]] * [[https://wegcode.be/wetteksten/secties/kb/wegcode/188-art23|Artikel 23. Stilstaan en parkeren]], [[https://wegcode.be/wetteksten/secties/kb/wegcode/189-art24|Artikel 24. Stilstaan- en parkeerverbod]], [[https://wegcode.be/wetteksten/secties/kb/wegcode/190-art25|Artikel 25. Parkeerverbod]], [[https://wegcode.be/wetteksten/secties/kb/wegcode/253-art70|Artikel 70. Verkeersborden betreffende het stilstaan en het parkeren]] * [[https://nos.nl/artikel/2156450-parkeren-in-de-stad-pas-op-voor-de-scanauto.html|Parkeren in de stad: pas op voor de scanauto]] * [[youtube>B8EnYX9y7dk|Scanauto deelt soms wel heel snel boete uit]] ===== Buy or lease? ===== * [[https://www.leaseplan.nl/privatelease/|De voordelen van Private Lease]]: * Geen zorgen over kosten voor reparatie en onderhoud * Wegenbelasting en verzekering (WA & casco) zijn inbegrepen * Geen gedoe met het achteraf verkopen van uw auto * Na afloop van uw contract, kunt u weer een nieuwe leaseauto bestellen ===== [[https://www.anwb.nl/vakantie/belgie/informatie/verplicht-mee-in-de-auto|Obligatory in the car]] ===== * Warning triangle -- to be installed 30m-100m behind the vehicle. * Safety vest -- obligatory to wear during the day as well as at night as soon as the driver leaves the vehicle in a place where breakdowns or parking are prohibited. * First aid kit and fire extinguisher * [[https://www.gamma.nl/assortiment/l/auto-fiets/autoaccessoires/autoveiligheid|GAMMA: Autoaccessoires → Autoveiligheid]] {{https://www.anwb.nl/binaries/content/gallery/anwb/portal/vakantie-redesign---alleen-nieuw-formaat/visuals/c160765-visuals-nieuw-formaat_verplicht-in-de-auto.jpg?400}} [[http://www.ibood.com/diy-nl/nl/product-specs/47415/188649/aa-auto-veiligheidsset.html|{{http://1225924211.rsc.cdn77.org/294281/fullscreen/aa-auto-veiligheidsset.jpg?400|Auto Veiligheidsset (iBood) – €19.95 + €5.95}}]] ===== Insurance ===== * [[https://www.verzekervoordelig.nl/nieuws/schadevrije-jaren-voortaan-3-jaar-geldig.aspx|Schadevrije jaren voortaan 3 jaar geldig]]
Vanaf het moment van beëindiging van de verzekering blijven deze schadevrije jaren 3 jaar van kracht en kunnen dan gebruikt worden voor een nieuwe verzekering. Na afloop van deze 3 jaar vervallen de schadevrije jaren en moet er opnieuw begonnen worden met het opbouwen van schadevrije jaren. Dit geldt zowel voor positieve als negatieve jaren.
* [[wpnl>Schadevergoeding#Definitie_en_soorten_schade|Definitie en soorten schade]] ===== [[wpnl>Algemene periodieke keuring|APK (Overall periodic check)]] ===== ==== Garages ==== Jerome's Apk & Autoservice * {{googlemaps>Laan van Waalhaven 143-A, 2497 GK Den Haag}} * :TEL: 010 44 69 669 [[https://unicarservice.nl/|Unicar Service]] * {{googlemaps>Singel 21, 2497 GS Den Haag}} * :TEL: 015 214 6923 [[https://www.baafautomotive.nl/|Baaf Automotive]] * {{googlemaps>Vrijenbanselaan 33, 2612 CL Delft}} * :TEL: 015 215 9696 ==== Rules ==== From [[https://www.xpat.nl/expat-netherlands/getting-around/driving-your-car/|Check ups for your cars]]: * For cars that run on gasoline (including hybrids), and were manufactured more than four years ago, an [[wpnl>Algemene periodieke keuring|APK]] is carried out once **every two years**. * When a car that runs on gasoline reaches 8 years of age, the test must to be carried out **annually**. * Cars that run on any other type of fuel, and were manufactured more than three years ago, require an **annual APK**. * APK is carried out at specialized centers, called keuringsstations, or by a local garage that has been recognized by the RDW. * There is no fixed price for the APK test, and prices vary greatly, so it may be worth shopping around a little. * When your car has been APK-tested, the garage will notify the RDW of the outcome. * If you fail to get the APK carried out on time, you will be fined. ===== Accident ===== Tips when accident happens: * Stay at the place of the accident. * Warn the police and have a protocol drawn up. * Fill out your collision form and let the counterparty fill in and sign the right side, see [[youtube>8phCzwReBfY|auto schade formulier invullen]]. * Do not leave out the question of guilt. * Record all important information about engaged, witnesses and the like. * Write down the name, insurance company and policy number of the counterparty. * Make a sketch or a photo of the situation. If your car can still be driven, bring it to your BOVAG car company. If your car has to be towed away, instruct the towing service to bring your car to your car service company. * Have the damage of your car calculated on and fill in the back of the form with your car service company. * Together with your car service company contact the insurer and notify about the damage. ===== Repair ===== ==== Damage ==== Approved by OHRA search (check [[http://www.schadegarant.nl/zoek-bedrijf|this list]]): [[https://www.asnnootdorp.nl/|Autoschade Service Nootdorp]] * {{googlemaps>Gildeweg 6, 2632 BA Nootdorp}} * :TEL: 015 310 2770 [[http://www.aasforepark.nl/|AAS Schadeherstel Forepark]] * {{googlemaps>Weser 8, 2491 DE Den Haag}} * :TEL: 070 301 9336 Other (unchecked): [[http://garage.euromaster.nl/246551-euromaster-ypenburg|Euromaster Ypenburg]] * {{googlemaps>Laan van Waalhaven 365, 2497 Den Haag}} * :TEL: 088 130 8340 [[http://www.denelzen.nl/|ABS Autoherstel Den Elzen]] * {{googlemaps>Saturnusstraat 30, 2516 AH Den Haag}} * :TEL: 070 347 4741 [[http://www.eekhout-autoschade.nl/|Eekhout Autoschade]] * {{googlemaps>Weteringweg 16, 2641 KM Pijnacker}} * :TEL: 015 369 3519 ===== [[https://www.brandstof-zoeker.nl/Zuid-Holland/'s-gravenhage/|Petrol / fuel]] ===== * [[http://www.tankje.nl/index.php|Zoek tankstations met laagste prijs]] * [[https://www.abw.by/novosti/other/200458/|Лайфхак: Как узнать, сколько денег и на что потянет автомобиль]] * [[https://max.korting.tinq.nl/tinq-max-korting|TinQ Racezondagen kalender 2017]] * [[https://www.tango.nl/|Tango]] ([[https://www.tango.nl/tankbon-opvragen|Tankbon opvragen]]) * Firezone * Ecco * Shell Express ===== Accessories ===== ==== Dash cam ==== * [[https://www.carcamcentral.com/guide/dash-camera-buyers-guide|Dash Camera Buyer’s Guide]] * [[youtubelist>PLMkYTKlwH3ost_SvzM809hMrsrpqIDuQ0|Car Cam Central - cameras we recommend]] * [[http://news.tut.by/kupi/465136.html|Выбираем видеорегистратор]] * [[https://www.blackboxmycar.com/blogs/news/dash-cam-power-consumption|Dash Cam power consumption ratings]] * [[https://www.blackboxmycar.com/pages/thinkware-f800-motion-detection-and-time-lapse-parking-mode|Motion Detection and Time Lapse Parking Mode]] * [[https://www.carcamcentral.com/guide/recommended-sd-cards-avoid-sandisk-ultra-cards|Choose right SD card for dash camera]] \\ [[youtube>4HfzoNXZBlA|What Micro-SD Should I Buy for my Dash Cam?]] \\ [[:hardware:start#flash|Flash overview]] * :YES: {{https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQgGAMITC8c4FnbZwNDNE3zmjkvJtfxDJUZJUL9xuAq7QAE8_HpZQ&f=.jpg?80|Transcend High Endurance}} {{https://images10.newegg.com/ProductImage/0DF-0005-00C21-01.jpg?80|SanDisk High Endurance}} {{https://s.s-bol.com/imgbase0/imagebase3/large/FC/2/5/7/9/9200000092589752.jpg?80|Samsung Pro Edurance}} * :NO: {{https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/6137Llv0C1L._SX355_.jpg?80|SanDisk Ultra}} * [[youtube>AuZT3AxGqGI|Blackvue DR750S vs Thinkware F800 PRO vs DOD RC500S vs Viofo A119S Extreme test]], [[youtube>AYdyS1UEfGQ|Hi-Spec sensor test: Sony IMX291 vs IMX322 vs AR0230]] * [[https://support.garmin.com/faqSearch/en-US/faq/content/K5Kkj7NNG59OMjVi1NwIl5|Differences between models in Garmin Dash Cam series]] * [[https://www.blackvue.com/dashcam-list/|BlackVue Dashcams comparison table]] ^ Name ^ Price ^ Power supply ^ LCD ^ Size (LxWxH) ^ Max resolution ^ Storage ^ Lens ^ Angle ^ GPS ^ WiFi ^ Auto parking mode ^ Buffered motion/impact detection ^ Time-lapse ^ Power consumption ^ Image processor ^ Optical sensor ^ Other ^ | [[youtube>amjcsoExAQU|Viofo / SpyTech / iTracker A119]] | [[https://www.amazon.de/A119-Auto-Kondensator-96660-ov4689-CMOS-Blickwinkel-Armaturenbrett-VIOFO-A119-V2-GPS/dp/B01MCV3AEN/|€99.99 with GPS]] | Capacitor | 2″ | 85x52x36 | 2560x1440@30 | Micro SD, max 64GB | f/1.8 | 160° | :OPT: | :NO: | :YES: when motion is detected in parking mode camera starts recording in lime-lapse mode (1,5,15 fps), if vibration is detected the camera switches to normal recording mode | :NO: | :YES: | 450mAh with GPS, 300mAh in parking mode | Novatek NT96660 | Omnivision OV4689 | LDWS, FCWS :YES: pivot+tilt, :YES: 128GB works = 14.5 hours, :NO: video a bit overexposed | | [[youtube>L99xue0RWL8|Vicovation Opia2]] | [[https://www.amazon.de/Auflösungen-Parküberwachung-Nachtsicht-Serienbildfunktion-Zeitraffer-Videos-schwarz/dp/B01ETL70XA/|€219]] | Capacitor | 2″ | 72x53x33 | 2560x1440@30 | Micro SD, max 128GB | f/2.0 | 160° | :OPT: | :NO: | :YES: after 5 mins after stop | :NO: | :YES: | :HELP: | Ambarella A12 | Omnivision OV4689 | LDWS, FCWS, :NO: no pivot/tilt, :NO: poor error notification | | [[youtube>XQjNPf45K-o|Anker ROAV C1 Pro]] | [[https://www.amazon.de/ROAV-Aufnahmen-Weitwinkel-G-Sensor-Ladegerät/dp/B072FVX74Q/|€99.99]] | LiIon battery 470mAh | 2.4″ | 87x65x36 | 2560x1440@30 | Micro SD, max 128GB | f/1.8 6G | 145° | :YES: | :YES: | :YES: G-sensor activated | :NO: | :YES: | :HELP: | Novatek NT96660 | Omnivision OV4689 | :NO: touch buttons instead of physical | | [[youtube>QFW_VWuGlDc|Rexing V1 3rd gen]] | [[https://www.aliexpress.com/item/Rexing-V1-3rd-High-Quality-4K-UHD-WiFi-Car-Dvr-Camera-Dash-Cam-Night-Vision-2/32857087492.html|$105.59]] | LiIon battery 320mAh | 2.4″ | 63x80x53 | 2880x2160@24 | Micro SD, max 128GB | f/1.8 7G | 170° | :NO: | :YES: | :YES: G-sensor activated | :NO: | :YES: | :HELP: | Novatek NT96663 | Omnivision OV4689 | | | [[youtube>4K8QuSdb2Dg|DOD LS475W+]] | [[https://www.amazon.de/LS470W-Full-HD-3-150/dp/B01B1OLXPY/|€262.86]] | LiIon battery 900mAh | 3″ | 112x71.9x36.4 | 1920x1080@60 | Micro SD, max 128GB | f/1.6 6G | 145° | :YES: | :NO: | :YES: | :YES: 5 seconds before + :HELP: after | :YES: | :HELP: | TioTech i3 | Sony Exmor :HELP: | speed camera warning system, :NO: MOV video format | | [[youtube>1wCR6PA9ikQ|Garmin Dash Cam 55]] | €184.85 [[https://www.amazon.de/Garmin-Dash-Schnappschussfunktion-Fahrspurassistent-Überwachungsmodus/dp/B06XN611DT/|€141.07]] | LiIon battery @30min | 2″ | 56x40x35 | 2560x1440@30 | Micro SD, max 64GB | :HELP: | 122° | :YES: | :YES: | :YES: [[https://support.garmin.com/faqSearch/en-US/faq/content/sElup788qJ4jjkgZCqVj0A|G-sensor or motion activated]] | :YES: 10 seconds before + 30 after | :YES: | :HELP: | Ambarella A12A55 | Omnivision OV4689 | LDWS, FCWS, FVDW, speed camera warning system, :YES: voice control, [[https://dashcamtalk.com/forum/threads/128gb-card-for-45-55-or-65w.32459/|works with Samsung Evo Plus 128GB SD card]] :NO: sustains the temperature up to 55°C | | [[youtube>ajwuiF1VfMw|Garmin Dash Cam 65W]] | €245.94 [[https://www.amazon.de/Garmin-Dash-Kamera-Weitwinkelobjektiv-Sicherheitsfunktionen/dp/B071XG4Y35/|€219.49]] | LiIon battery @30min | 2″ | 56x40x35 | 1920x1080@30 | Micro SD, max 64GB | :HELP: | 180° | :YES: | :YES: | :YES: [[https://support.garmin.com/faqSearch/en-US/faq/content/sElup788qJ4jjkgZCqVj0A|G-sensor or motion activated]] | :YES: 10 seconds before + 30 after | :YES: | :HELP: | :HELP: | :HELP: | LDWS, FCWS, FVDW, speed camera warning system, :NO: sustains the temperature up to 55°C | | [[youtube>_xcEW38Omu4|Thinkware X550]] | [[https://www.amazon.de/Thinkware-X2600-16-GB-Zeitraffer-eingebaute-A7-Ambarella/dp/B01G0UCNTO/|€215.83]] | Capacitor | 2.7″ | 104.3x51.4x29.3 | 1920x1080@30 | Micro SD, max 64GB | :HELP: | 140° | :YES: | :NO: | :YES: | :YES: 10 seconds before + 10 after | :YES: | 700mAh for 1ch @30fps | Ambarella A7 | Sony Exmor :HELP: | LDWS, FCWS, red light, speed camera, average speed, mobile zone warning system, 2-channel | | [[youtube>IbXYaP7JDfU|Thinkware F800-2CH]] | [[https://www.amazon.de/Thinkware-F800-UK-16-GB-hinten-Hardwire/dp/B074V66WVN/|€302.73]] | Capacitor | :NO: | 107x60.5x32.5 | 1920x1080@30 | Micro SD, max 64GB | :HELP: | 140° | :YES: | :YES: | :YES: [[https://www.blackboxmycar.com/pages/thinkware-f800-motion-detection-and-time-lapse-parking-modeparking|Motion or parking impact mode]] | :YES: 10 seconds before + 10 after | :YES: | 500mAh | Ambarella A12 | Sony Exmor STARVIS IMX291 | LDWS, FCWS, uFCWS, FVDW, tilt, 2-channel, has soft power off button, 12V cut-off voltage (no extra smart hardwire kit is necessary) | | [[youtube>QRBp4LJMjgs|BlackVue DR750S-1CH]] | [[https://www.amazon.de/Blackvue-DR750S-1CH-Autokamera-Dashcam-Dash-Cam/dp/B075ZSDN33/|€299.95]] | Capacitor | :NO: | 118.5x36 | 1920x1080@60 | Micro SD, max 128GB | :HELP: | 139° | :YES: | :YES: | :YES: [[https://www.blackvue.com/blackvue-dashcam-parking-mode/|About parking mode]] | :YES: 10 seconds before + ? after | :NO: | 350mAh with GPS+WiFi, 300mAh when off | Hisilicon Hi3559-V100 | Sony Exmor STARVIS IMX291 | LDWS, FCWS, tilt, :OPT: 2-channel, allows to capture GPS but not overlay it on video, :NO: noisy night video | | [[youtube>dw6M3UbkZMg|BlackVue DR590-1CH]] | [[https://www.amazon.de/BlackVue-DR590-1CH-16GB-Blackvue-dr590-1-CH/dp/B078VD9N78/|€199.90]] | Capacitor | :NO: | 111.8x34 | 1920x1080@60 | Micro SD, max 128GB | :HELP: | 139° | :OPT: | :NO: | :YES: [[https://www.blackvue.com/blackvue-dashcam-parking-mode/|About parking mode]] | :YES: 10 seconds before + ? after | :NO: | 290mAh | Hisilicon Hi3559-V100 | Sony Exmor STARVIS IMX291 | same as for BlackVue DR750S | | [[youtube>_L0v9r-IsIA|BlackSys CH-200-2CH]] | [[https://www.amazon.de/BlackSys-Wifi-Blickwinkel-horizontal-Dual-Kame/dp/B0784NCS67/|€351.99]] | Capacitor | :NO: | 100x58x34 | 1920x1080@60 | Micro SD, max 256GB | :HELP: | 135° | :YES: | :YES: | :YES: | :YES: 10 seconds before + 20 after | :YES: | 380mAh | Ambarella A12 | Sony Exmor STARVIS IMX322 | LDWS, FCWS, FVDW, 2-channel, cut-off voltage (11.8-12.4V with 0.2V interval, no extra smart hardwire kit is necessary) and/or time (3, 6, 12, 24, 48H) | :YES: All models come with [[wp>Accelerometer|G-sensor]] :YES: All models can do audio recording [[https://www.viofo.com/home/30-47-a119-1440p-30fps-car-dash-cam.html|{{https://www.viofo.com/189-large_default/a119-1440p-30fps-car-dash-cam.jpg?200|Viofo (SpyTech) A119}}]] {{https://www.viofo.com/191-large_default/a119-1440p-30fps-car-dash-cam.jpg?200|Viofo A119}} [[https://www.vicovation.com/productdetial.asp?id=945C3762-5F60-42B1-88CC-5F45E0E55757&lang=eng|{{https://www.vicovation.com/uploads/Vico_20163224511.jpg?200|Vicovation Opia2}}]] {{https://www.vicovation.com/uploads/Vico_201632245035.jpg?200|Vicovation Opia2}} [[https://goroav.com/products/roav-dash-cam-c1-pro|{{https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/718igVy4FsL._SX425_.jpg?200|Anker ROAV C1 Pro}}]] {{https://d1bdmzehmfm4xb.cloudfront.net/original/3X/4/6/46214aa72b1b2889dee23c883a6942e9fda3dba0.jpg?200|Anker ROAV C1 Pro}} [[https://www.rexingusa.com/products/rexing-v1-gen-3/|{{https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/61d%2BIY0qvUL._SL1172_.jpg?200|Rexing V1 3rd gen}}]] {{https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/71ccoSYJvvL._SL1500_.jpg?200}} [[http://www.dod-tec.com/index.php/product/detail/89|{{https://s.s-bol.com/imgbase0/imagebase3/large/FC/2/3/3/0/9200000078480332.jpg?200|DOD LS475W+}}]] {{https://i.ytimg.com/vi/s-lVXm1cFZU/maxresdefault.jpg?200|DOD LS475W+}} [[https://buy.garmin.com/en-US/US/p/567282|{{https://dashcamtalk.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/Garmin-Dash-Cam-55.jpg?200|Garmin Dash Cam 55}}]] {{https://eyesontarget.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/b8661172ff22.jpg?200|Garmin Dash Cam 55}} [[http://www.thinkware.com/Products/Dashcam/X550|{{https://pisces.bbystatic.com/image2/BestBuy_US/images/products/8851/8851214_rd.jpg?200|Thinkware X550}}]] {{http://www.radardetectors.com.au/i/DVRs/X550_rear.png?200|Thinkware X550}} [[http://www.thinkware.com/Products/Dashcam/F800|{{https://images.idgesg.net/images/article/2017/08/thinkware-f8001-100732293-large.jpg?200|Thinkware F800}}]] {{https://images.idgesg.net/images/article/2017/08/thinkware-f8005-100732297-large.jpg?200|Thinkware F800}} [[http://www.blackvue.com.sg/dr750s-1ch.html|{{https://s.s-bol.com/imgbase0/imagebase3/large/FC/3/1/4/5/9200000075715413.jpg?200|BlackVue DR750S-1CH}}]] {{https://content.hwigroup.net/images/products_xl/394318/blackvue-dr650s-1ch-32gb.jpg?200|BlackVue DR750S-1CH}} [[http://blacksys.co.kr/eng/product/product.php?id=46|{{https://massdrop-s3.imgix.net/product-images/blacksys-ch200-2-channel-dash-cam-w-32gb-card/CH200_Side_20171013101446.jpg?200|BlackSys CH-200}}]] {{https://massdrop-s3.imgix.net/product-images/blacksys-ch200-2-channel-dash-cam-w-32gb-card/CH200_White_0000_back-view_20171013101445.jpg?200|BlackSys CH-200}} === Installation === * [[youtube>0j4sRww53Ik|How to Configure and Wire a Power Magic Pro]] -- instructs how to connect any device to the battery * [[youtube>ADuZiYCHr1I|BlackVue Dash Cam Review & Install in a 2011 Toyota Prius]] * [[youtube>WlOHj719e_c|2015 Toyota RAV4 LE Front View Camera Installation]] * [[https://dashcamtalk.com/battery-discharge-prevention/|Battery discharge prevention in parking mode]] * [[https://www.blackboxmycar.com/pages/how-to-hardwire-a-dash-cam|How to Hardwire a Dash Cam]] * [[https://www.kiaownersclub.co.uk/threads/dashcam-fuses-and-routes.66682/|Dashcam Fuses and Routes – Kia Niro (2016-2022)]] [[https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B076F9TQ8L/|{{https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/61eYaCp-sSL._SL1200_.jpg?200|Car dash cam hardwire fuse kit with Micro USB (right angle) – $11.99 + $7.38}}]] {{https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/816xJswAQPL._SL1500_.jpg?200|Car dash cam hardwire fuse kit with Mini USB direct hard wire car charger cable – $11.55}} [[https://www.amazon.de/Garmin-Dash-Parking-Cable-Überwachungsmodus/dp/B06XTBPYS2/|{{https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/61vkjTae2AL._SL1000_.jpg?200|Garmin dash cam parking mode cable – €34.85}}]] ==== [[wp>Fuse (automotive)|Fuse]] ==== {{https://ae01.alicdn.com/kf/HTB1.E3Ob4tnkeRjSZSgq6xAuXXaa.jpg?200|Different fuses types}} {{https://ae01.alicdn.com/kf/HTB1PK1olrZnBKNjSZFrq6yRLFXav.jpg?300|Accessory connector with fuse}} * [[https://www.autogenius.info/toyota-auris-hybrid-touring-sports-from-2013-fuse-box-diagram/|Toyota Auris Hybrid Touring Sports – fuse box diagram]] ==== Ice scraper ==== * :ADD: [[https://cults3d.com/en/3d-model/tool/credit-card-scraper|Credit card scraper]] * :ADD: [[https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:625925|Car windshield scraper]] * :ADD: [[https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3306690|A fast ice scraperfast ice scraperfast ice scraper]] * [[https://cults3d.com/en/3d-model/tool/recycled-gift-card-scraper|Recycled gift card scraper]] * [[https://grabcad.com/library/3d-printer-print-plate-scraper-1|Plate scraper]] * [[https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3292970|Icescraper with funnel]] ===== Tire ===== ^ ^ Низкое давление ^ Правильное давление ^ Высокое давление ^ ^ Тормозной путь | :ADD: Уменьшает | :YES: Оптимальное | :DEL: Увеличивает | ^ Маневренность автомобиля | :DEL: Уменьшает | :YES: Оптимальное | :ADD: Увеличивает | {{ https://shina.guide/press/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/winter-tire-thread-minimal-height-by-adac.jpg?500|Минимальная глубина протектора шин}} * Правильное давление в шинах сокращает тормозной путь и увеличивает маневренность автомобиля, да ещё и срок службы шин увеличивает, потому что боковины изнашиваются медленнее. * На морозе давление падает на 0.3-0.5 атмосфер. * [[youtube>lCS_yi4Py2s|Давление в шинах летом]], [[youtube>PHl41heCm6w|зимой]]. * [[https://auto.tut.by/news/test-drive/588740.html|В чем разница между шинами R15 и R17. Эксперимент]] * On the side of a tire there is a four-digit DOT code, existing from a week number plus a year, which indicates when the tire was made. \\ [[https://herculestiresales.com/find-my-tire-size|{{https://herculestiresales.com/images/display/557/sidewall3.png?600|Tire letters and numbers}}]] * [[youtube>pWF8TwpHB0o|Toyota – how to use a tyre repair kit]] The two last numbers is load index, see [[https://www.elburgbanden.nl/banden-informatie/load-en-speedindex|Load- en Speedindex]]. Last letter is speed index: ^ Letter ^ Max speed in km/h ^ | L | 120 | | M | 130 | | N | 140 | | P | 150 | | Q | 160 | | R | 170 | | S | 180 | | T | 190 | | H | 210 | | V | 240 | | W(ZR) | 270 | | Y(ZR) | 300 | | ZR | >240 | Are you planning to buy new winter tires in 2018? Then choose tires with a snowflake symbol (mountain icon with snowflake, also called alpine symbol or 3PMSF((Three Peak Mountain Snow Flake)) ). In Germany, tires that are manufactured after 31 December 2017 are only valid as winter tires if they have a snowflake symbol on them. This symbol indicates that the tires have been tested and found suitable for use in winter conditions. If you have winter tires with only an M+S((Mud+Snow)) symbol, you can continue to use them after 1 January 2018 in Germany, if they were manufactured before 2018. Only after 30 September 2024, these tires are no longer regarded as winter tires. | :YES: | :NO: | | {{https://pcacdn.azureedge.net/-/media/pn-np/ab/jasper/WET4/activ/hiver-winter/MSSnowIcon.jpg?100|M+S & 3PMSF}} | {{http://vw.zenseeker.net/Winter/m_s.jpg?200}} | | {{http://www.barec.de/assets/images/autogen/3PMSF.png?100|3PMSF}} | | See also: * [[https://www.oponeo.co.uk/tyre-article/winter-tyres-don-t-rely-on-the-m-s-mark|Winter tyres – don’t rely on the M+S mark!]] * [[https://www.4tochki.ru/spravochnye-stati/markirovka-ms-ne-tolko-zimnyaya-rezina|Маркировка M+S: не только зимняя резина]] If you want to choose auto tires that are higher than normal with the same radius, you should check the aspect ratio, which is the percentage of the tire's height to its width. Tires with a higher aspect ratio have a greater height to width ratio, which means they have a taller sidewall and a larger overall diameter than tires with a lower aspect ratio. For example, if you currently have a tire with a width of 205 mm and an aspect ratio of 55 (typical for a passenger car tire), the tire's height would be approximately 112.75 mm (205 mm × 0.55). If you wanted to choose a tire with a taller sidewall, you could look for a tire with a higher aspect ratio, such as 65, which would give you a tire height of approximately 133.25 mm (205 mm × 0.65) for the same wheel size. Keep in mind that changing the aspect ratio of your tires will affect the handling and performance of your vehicle, so you should consult a tire professional or your vehicle manufacturer's specifications before making any changes. [[https://www.bandenleader.nl/auto-band-205-55-16/?s=W&orderby=pop|Winder bands for size 205/55 R16]]: * [[https://www.bandenleader.nl/auto-band/nokian/wr-d4/205-55-r16-91h-353987|NOKIAN WR D4 205/55 R16 91H (fuel: C, stability: B, noise: A / 69 dB)]] -- €76.69 * [[https://www.bandenleader.nl/auto-band/nokian/wr-d4/205-55-r16-91t-353976|NOKIAN WR D4 205/55 R16 91T]] -- €73.38 * [[https://www.bandenleader.nl/auto-band/michelin/alpin-6/205-55-r16-91h-855056|MICHELIN ALPIN 6 205/55 R16 91H]] -- €86.54 [[https://www.bandenleader.nl/auto-band-205-55-16/?s=S&m%5B36%5D=on&m%5B4%5D=on&m%5B9%5D=on&m%5B18%5D=on&m%5B5%5D=on&m%5B19%5D=on&m%5B2%5D=on&premium=on&orderby=prix|Summer bands from top-quality brands for size 205/55 R16]] * [[https://www.anwb.nl/auto/tests-en-specificaties/bandentests/zomerbandentest/225-40-r-18-y-getest-in-2020|Testresultaten zomerbanden 225/40 R18 Y]] * [[https://www.anwb.nl/auto/tests-en-specificaties/bandentests/zomerbandentest/225-40-r-18-y-getest-in-2020|Testresultaten zomerbanden 235/55 R17 W/Y]] * [[https://www.anwb.nl/auto/tests-en-specificaties/bandentests/zomerbandentest/185-65r15h-getest-in-2019|Testresultaten zomerbanden 185/65 R15H]] * [[https://www.anwb.nl/auto/tests-en-specificaties/bandentests/zomerbandentest/215-65r16c-getest-in-2019|Zomerbanden test: 215/65 R 16 C]] Change + balance: * [[http://www.hofstadautobedrijf.nl/diensten/banden/|Hofstad Autobedrijf]]: €18.50 × 4 = €96.74 * [[info@hofstadautobedrijf.nl|Saso Dimoski]] * [[https://www.vakgarageypenburg-denhaag.nl/diensten/bandenwissel|Vakgarage Ypenburg]]: €20 × 4 = €79.95 * [[http://www.degaragist.nl/|De Garagist]]: €112.5 * [[https://ok-garage.nl/prijzen/|OK-Garage]]: €100 * [[https://www.google.com/maps/place/Delft/@51.97893,4.3805546,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x47c5b57e26d0917d:0xee5c125352b03759!8m2!3d51.97893!4d4.3827487|Autodemontage de lion]]: €7.50 × 4 = €30 * {{googlemaps>Lau Mazirelweg 8, 2629HW Delft}} * :TEL: 0686154269, 0616577536 * [[https://www.louwman.nl/werkplaatsafspraak|Louwman]]: €79 * [[https://www.autobedrijfweerheim.nl/|Weerheim]]: €20 × 4 = €80 * [[https://www.henze-denhaag.nl|Henze]]: (€15.30 + €8.90) × 4 = €24.20 × 4 = €96.80 * [[https://unicarservice.nl/|Unicar Service]]: €22.50 × 4 = €100 * [[https://peugeotdavo.nl/onderhoud/werkplaatsafspraak/|DAVO Peugeot Kerketuinen]]: €120.00 * [[https://www.kwik-fit.nl/banden-wisselen|KwikFit]]: €31 × 4 = €124.00 (€21 × 4 = €84 if tires have been bought at KwikFit) * [[https://aclautoservice.nl/diensten/bandenservice/|ACL Autoservice]] \\ {{googlemaps>Cort Van der Lindenstraat 5, 2288 EV Rijswijk}} \\ :INFO: €100 * [[http://www.carsell.nl/|Autobedrijf Carsell]] \\ {{googlemaps>Koopmansstraat 5a, 2288 BC Rijswijk}} \\ :TEL: +31703909045 :INFO: ≤18" for steel wheels: €18.76 per wheel including the balancing = €75.04 \\ :INFO: ≤18" for light metals: €23.60 per wheel including the balancing = €94.40 * [[https://autoservicenieuwenhuijsen.nl/|JAMES Autoservice]] \\ {{googlemaps>Cobbenhagenstraat 2, 2288 ET Rijswijk}} \\ :INFO: Change mounted wheels: €45 \\ :INFO: ≤16": €75 \\ :INFO: ≥17": €95 \\ :INFO: Run-On-Flat bands fee: €18 * [[http://www.autowitte.nl/|Automobielbedrijf Witte B.V.]] \\ {{googlemaps>Snellerstraat 1, 2288 GL Rijswijk}} \\ :TEL: +31703999648 :INFO: Change mounted wheels: €35 :INFO: Change bands: €78 + balance 4×€12.10 = €126.40 * [[http://www.garagedegrotebeer.nl/|Garage De Grote Beer B.V.]] \\ {{googlemaps>Van Gijnstraat 24, 2288 GB Rijswijk}} \\ :TEL: +31703838113 \\ :INFO: ≤17" €15 × 4 = €60 \\ :INFO: ≥18" €20 × 4 = €80 * [[http://www.apkdirect.com/|Garagebedrijf APK]] :YES: \\ {{googlemaps>Van Gijnstraat 14D, 2288 GA Rijswijk}} \\ :TEL: +31703220135 \\ :INFO: ≤16" €15 × 4 = €60 \\ :INFO: ≥17" €20 × 4 = €80 * [[https://www.trcmotors.nl/|TRC Motors Rijswijk]] :YES: \\ {{googlemaps>Verrijn Stuartlaan 50A, 2288 EP Rijswijk}} \\ :TEL: +31 70 399-32-42 \\ :INFO: ≤16" €15 × 4 = €60 +21% = €72.6 ===== Rim ===== The offset, or [[wp>Wheel_sizing#Offset|ET]] (which stands for "Einpresstiefe" in German), refers to the distance between the hub mounting surface and the centerline of the wheel. Wheels with a lower offset will have the mounting surface closer to the outside edge of the wheel, while wheels with a higher offset will have the mounting surface closer to the inside edge of the wheel. In general, wheels with a higher offset will provide better stability on the road. This is because the weight of the vehicle is more evenly distributed across the wheel, which helps to prevent excessive stress on the suspension and steering components. However, selecting the correct offset for your vehicle also depends on a number of other factors, such as the width of the wheel, the diameter of the tire, and the suspension setup. It's always best to consult with a professional mechanic or wheel specialist to determine the best offset for your specific needs. [[https://urdreamgarage.com/2013/07/are-you-tighten-your-lug-nut-the-proper-way/|{{https://urdreamgarage.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/Lug-nut-order.jpg?500|Lug nut mount order}}]] Technical data: ^ Model ^ Band size ^ Lug nut torque ^ | Kia e-Niro 2021 | 215/55 R17 | 80 lb-ft (108 Nm) | | Toyota Auris TS 2015 | 205/55 R16 | 76 lb-ft (103 Nm) | Selected rims for 5 bolt mount 5x114.3 67.1: | [[https://www.bandenleader.nl/merken-van-aluminium-velgen/rc-design/rc-27-3977/7x17-et50-5x114.3-67.1-763777|{{https://cdn.tiresleader.com/static/img/felgen_big/984536.jpg?300|RC-Design RC 27, 7x17 ET50}}]] | {{:articles:rim_rc_27.webp}} | | [[https://www.bandenleader.nl/merken-van-aluminium-velgen/dbv/5sp-001-5368/7x17-et48-5x114.3-74.1-952154|{{https://cdn.tiresleader.com/static/img/felgen_big/961202.jpg?300|DBV 5SP 001, 7x17 ET48}}]] | {{:articles:rim_dbv_5sp_001.webp}} | | [[https://www.bandenleader.nl/merken-van-aluminium-velgen/ronal/r56-4101/7x17-et50-5x114.3-67.1-989690|{{https://cdn.tiresleader.com/static/img/felgen_big/928346.jpg?300|Ronal R56, 7x17 ET50}}]] | {{:articles:rim_ronal_r56.webp}} | === Tools === [[ibooddiy>74069/401035/momentsleutel-40-210nm-tv-gs|{{https://1225924211.rsc.cdn77.org/182427/fullscreen/momentsleutel-40-210nm-tv-gs.jpg?200|Momentsleutel 40-210Nm – €19.95 (+€5.95)}}]] [[https://next.ibood.com/nl/nl/product-specs/00000/402122/bahco-doppenset-24delig|{{https://images1.ibood.com/681311/fullscreen/bahco-doppenset-24delig.jpg?200|Bahco Doppenset 24-delig – €49.95 (+€5.95) (71% discount)}}]] [[https://www.gamma.nl/assortiment/handson-dopsleutelset-55-delig/p/B627671|{{https://static.gamma.nl/dam/286220/41?.jpg?200|Handson dopsleutelset 55-delig – €59.99}}]] * 18 pcs 1/2" hex: 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 2,0 21, 22, 23, 24, 27, 30, 32 mm * 1 pc 1/2" ratchet quick release, 60° * 2 pcs 1/2" verlengstuk 5" and 10" * 1 pc 1/2" universal joint * 1 pc 1/2" T-adapter * 1 pc 1/2" breaker bar met twee componentengreep, 10" De HANDSON-dopsleutelset met 1/4- en 1/2"-dopsleutels van 4mm tot 32mm bestaat uit 56 delen. De set bevat 23 dopsleutels, 2 bougiesleutels, 18 dopsleutelbits en diverse accessoires, zoals 2 ratels, een knikstuk en een verlengstuk. De dopsleutels uit deze set zijn gemaakt van hoogwaardig chroom-vanadiumstaal. De stevige dopsleutels hebben zowel een 1/4inch-verbinding, oftewel een verbinding van 6,3mm, als een 1/2inch-verbinding, oftewel een verbinding van 12,7mm. De dopsleutels uit de set hebben een sleutelwijdte variërend van 4mm tot 32mm. In de bijbehorende handige cassette bergt u alle dopsleutels, bits en accessoires goed en overzichtelijk op. Kortom, met de dopsleutelset van HANDSON met daarin 1/4inch- en 1/2inch-dopsleutels van 4mm tot 32mm, heeft u altijd de juiste dopsleutel bij de hand voor het los- of vastdraaien van iedere moer op iedere plek. ===== Electrocar ===== * [[http://pushevs.com/2016/11/23/electric-cars-range-efficiency-comparison/|Electric cars: range and efficiency comparison]] -- BMW i3, Chevrolet Bolt EV, Ford Focus Electric, Hyundai IONIQ EV, Nissan Leaf, Tesla Model S 60D Catalogue: * [[https://ev-database.org/|EV Database]] ([[https://ev-database.org/compare/electric-vehicle-longest-range#sort:path~type~order=.erange_real~number~desc|price-checkbox-dropdown:pathGroup=.price_filter40-60~.price_filter60-80|misc:textGroup=Roofrails|range-slider-range:prev~next=360~1200|paging:number=36|sorted by range]]) * [[http://www.verbruiken.nl/elektrische-autos|Elektrische auto verbruik en prijs vergelijken]] Charging stations: * [[https://laadpastop10.nl/|Laadpas Top 10]] * [[https://www.oplaadpalen.nl/|Oplaadpalen in de Benelux]] * [[https://www.oplaadpunten.nl/|Oplaadpunten]] Subside: * [[https://nederlandelektrisch.nl/subsidies-financiering/subsidies-en-regelingen|Subsidies en Regelingen]] * Nieuwprijs (catalogusprijs) van de elektrische personenauto die op uw naam komt in het kentekenregister (RDW), is minimaal €12.000 en maximaal €45.000 * [[https://www.rvo.nl/subsidie-en-financieringswijzer/sepp/subsidie-aanvragen/koop-gebruikt|Subsidie voor koop van een gebruikte elektrische personenauto]] * [[https://www.rvo.nl/subsidie-en-financieringswijzer/sepp|Subsidieregeling Elektrische Personenauto’s Particulieren (SEPP)]] -- обновляемая статистика по остатку от бюджета ChatGPT information as to 2021((What is the best electric vehicle with price less than €45000 produced in 2021? Sort by WLTP range given in km. Please add cargo size in liters, and clearance in cm, and wheel size in inches to that list. Provide top 10 answers.)): ^ # ^ Vehicle ^ WLTP Range ^ Cargo Size ^ Clearance ^ Wheel Size (inches) ^ | 1 | Hyundai Kona Electric | 484 km | 332 L | 15.6 cm | 17 | | 2 | Kia Niro EV | 455 km | 451 L | 16.5 cm | 17 | | 3 | Tesla Model 3 Standard Range+ | 448 km | 425 L | 14.3 cm | 18 | | 4 | Ford Mustang Mach-E Select | 440 km | 402 L | 14.7 cm | 18 | | 5 | Volkswagen ID.3 Pro | 424 km | 385 L | 13.0 cm | 18 | | 6 | Skoda Enyaq iV 60 | 412 km | 585 L | 17.5 cm | 19 | | 7 | Renault Zoe R135 | 395 km | 338 L | 13.5 cm | 16 | | 8 | Nissan Leaf e+ | 385 km | 420 L | 15.8 cm | 17 | | 9 | Citroen e-C4 | 350 km | 380 L | 15.0 cm | 18 | | 10 | Peugeot e-2008 | 320 km | 434 L | 16.0 cm | 17 | ==== Kia e-Niro ==== * [[https://www.autoscout24.de/lst/kia/niro/d%C3%BCsseldorf?atype=C&cy=D&damaged_listing=exclude&desc=0&eq=27%2C4&fregfrom=2022&fuel=E&lat=51.22496&lon=6.77568&ocs_listing=include&powerfrom=64&powertype=kw&sort=price&ustate=N%2CU&zipr=200|autoscout24.de]] * [[https://www.marktplaats.nl/l/auto-s/kia/f/elektrisch+niro/11756+11678/#f:11560|constructionYearFrom:2022|batteryCapacityFrom:60|sortBy:PRICE|sortOrder:INCREASING|marktplaats.nl]] ** Dutch Market ** * ComfortLine: * 7" full map navigation with TomTom Live Services * Rear parking sensors * 17" alloy wheels * LED daytime running lights * Cloth upholstery * Heated front seats * Lane Following Assist (LFA) * DynamicLine: * Panoramic sunroof * Privacy glass (rear side and tailgate) * LED headlights * LED rear combination lights * Roof rails * Artificial leather upholstery * Blind Spot Collision Warning (BCW) * DynamicPlusLine: * Smart key with engine start/stop button * Wireless phone charger * JBL Premium Sound System * 10.25" touchscreen display with UVO Connect * Front parking sensors * Electrically folding, adjustable and heated door mirrors * Leather upholstery * Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC) * ExecutiveLine: * Smart key with engine start/stop button * Wireless phone charger * LED headlights with High Beam Assist (HBA) * Electrically folding, adjustable and heated door mirrors with LED indicators * Heated steering wheel * Leather upholstery * Lane Departure Warning (LDW) * Rear Cross-Traffic Collision Warning (RCCW)((Missing in German market version)) ** German Market ** * Vision: * 16" alloy wheels * 7" full map navigation with TomTom Live Services * Rear parking sensors * LED daytime running lights * Cloth upholstery * Heated front seats * Lane Following Assist (LFA) * Spirit: * Panoramic sunroof (option) * LED headlights * LED rear combination lights * 17" alloy wheels * Privacy glass (rear side and tailgate) * Artificial leather upholstery * Blind Spot Collision Warning (BCW) * Smart key with engine start/stop button * 10.25" touchscreen display with UVO Connect * Wireless phone charger * Electrically folding, adjustable and heated door mirrors * Leather upholstery * Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC) * JBL Premium Sound System ==== Hyundai Kona EV ==== * [[https://www.autoscout24.de/lst/hyundai/kona/d%C3%BCsseldorf?atype=C&cy=D&damaged_listing=exclude&desc=0&eq=27%2C4&fregfrom=2022&fuel=E&lat=51.22496&lon=6.77568&ocs_listing=include&powerfrom=64&powertype=kw&sort=price&ustate=N%2CU&zipr=200|autoscout24.de]] * [[https://www.marktplaats.nl/l/auto-s/hyundai/f/elektrisch+kona/11756+11901/#f:13966|constructionYearFrom:2022|batteryCapacityFrom:60|sortBy:PRICE|sortOrder:INCREASING|marktplaats.nl]] Wheels: 17", bands 215/55 R17 94V Rim parameters: * Rim size: 17″ or 18″ * Rim width: 6.5–7.5 inches * EV/offset: 40–50 mm * Bolt pattern: 5×114.3 mm * Center bore: 67.1 mm Coldgate gets more severe as temperature of battery pack drops: * over 25°C you get full speed 75 kW * below 25°C reduced to 56 kW * below 15°C reduced to 42 kW * below 5°C reduced to only 21 kW Hyundai KONA EV Trend (German Market) / KONA EV Comfort (Dutch Market): * LED daytime running lights * Body-colored exterior mirrors * 16-inch alloy wheels * 8-inch touchscreen infotainment system * Apple CarPlay and Android Auto compatibility * Manual air conditioning * Forward collision warning * Lane-keeping assist * Driver attention warning * Keyless entry * Cruise control with speed limiter * Manual seat adjustment * Rear parking sensors Hyundai KONA EV Prime (German Market) / KONA EV Fashion (Dutch Market): * LED headlights * Roof rails * 17-inch alloy wheels * 10.25-inch touchscreen infotainment system * Wireless smartphone charging * Heated front seats * Forward collision warning * Lane-keeping assist * Blind-spot monitoring * Rear cross-traffic alert * Keyless entry and push-button start * Adaptive cruise control * Automatic climate control * Rearview camera Hyundai KONA EV Premium (Dutch Market): * Leather upholstery * Heated steering wheel * Electrically adjustable driver's seat * Ambient interior lighting * Premium sound system * Front parking sensors * Rear privacy glass ==== Hyundai Ioniq ==== * [[youtube>woL85dQ3Asw|Review and comparison to Kia Niro, Kia Solo EV, Honda Clarity EV, WW eGolf, Chevrolet Bolt]] * [[https://www.eneco.nl/welkom-in-de-nieuwe-wereld/met-een-elektrische-auto-naar-de-sneeuw|In één dag naar wintersport rijden met een elektrische auto]] -- фильм и материалы о том, что на электромобиле можно доехать до лыжного курорта. * [[https://elektrischvervoer.eneco.nl/laadpunt/shop/uw-gegevens/|Prijs voor laadpunt waarmee u thuis wilt laden]] -- цена на приватные (домашние) пункты зарядки (€1000 – €2500) Real-world tests: * [[http://pushevs.com/2017/02/16/renault-zoe-vs-nissan-leaf-vs-hyundai-ioniq-electric-vs-bmw-i3/|Renault Zoe (41 kWh, 261 km) vs Nissan Leaf (30 kWh, 177 km) vs Hyundai IONIQ Electric (28 kWh, 212 km) vs BMW i3 (94 kWh, 230 km)]] * [[http://pushevs.com/2016/12/04/bmw-i3-vs-nissan-leaf-vs-hyundai-ioniq-electric/|BMW i3 (94 kWh, 149 km) vs Nissan Leaf (30 kWh, 122 km) vs Hyundai IONIQ Electric (30 kWh, 165 km)]] -- Hyundai IONIQ Electric is the star of the moment, best as a second generation electric car with a small battery. ===== Hybrid ===== * [[youtube>E_xCssR8qQI|Prius hybrid drive explained]] ==== Toyota ==== * [[http://www.fleetnews.co.uk/cars/co2-emissions-calculator/toyota/|CO₂ Calculator — Toyota]] * [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lscRfRlK5QI|Toyota Plug-in Hybrid System]] * [[https://www.autoscout24.nl/resultaten?mmvmk0=70&mmvmd0=18992&version0=lease&mmvco=1&fregfrom=2015&fregto=2015&pricefrom=0&priceto=25000&cy=NL&powertype=kw&gear=A&atype=C&ustate=N%2CU&sort=price&desc=0|Search for Toyota Auris Lease]] === Accessories === * [[http://blog.toyota.nl/updates/prius-accessoires-die-tijdens-je-vakantie-altijd-welkom-zijn/|Accessories]] * [[http://blog.toyota.co.uk/toyota-auris-accessories-snow|Winter accessories]] * [[https://www.winparts.nl/bagage-transport/dakdragers-voor-auto-met-dakrail/toyota/auris-touring-sports-ade18-zwe18-zre18-bouwjaar-2013-07/c119-515-30797.html|Dakdragers voor auto met dakrail]] [[https://www.ebay.de/itm/Kofferraum-Matte-Wanne-fur-Toyota-Auris-2-u-Hybrid-13-Touring-Sports/253322574275|{{https://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/qoYAAOSwWKtUyAZr/s-l1600.jpg?200|Kofferraum (PVC) Matte Wanne für Toyota Auris Touring Sports (met dubbele kofferbakvloer in hoge stand) – €22.50}}]] [[https://www.ebay.com/itm/231810576791|{{https://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/MQMAAOSwWUlas5kl/s-l1600.jpg?200|Kofferraumwanne (PVC) passend für Toyota Auris 2 II Kombi 2013-2018 obere Ladeboden – €24.99}}]] [[https://www.winparts.nl/carrosserie-plaatwerk/achterbumper-bescherming/toyota/auris-touring-sports-ade18-zwe18-zre18-bouwjaar-2013-07/c159-515-30797.html|{{https://www.winparts.nl/carrosserie-plaatwerk/achterbumper-bescherming/c159/rvs-achterbumperprotector-toyota-auris-touring-sports-2013-2015-ribs/p1690133_900_900/av-235752.jpg?200|Achterbumperprotector – €95}}]] 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